YOU Own the Moon. And Mars. And Venus. #kurzgesagt #shorts
You own the moon and Mars and everything else in space, really. Call a space lawyer; they'll tell you about the Outer Space Treaty. It was born from the Cold War when countries were racing to space. It forbids any of them from taking over celestial bodies. Stuff in space is a common good, open to everyone, unlike the oceans and skies. It benefits us all.
But what if you build a rocket, land on the moon, and pick up a rock? Is it your rock now? If you bring it back to Earth, can it become your private property? It depends on who you ask. The US and many others are following new rules, the Emis Accords. They were designed to make room for space mining. You even get a safety zone around your landing site so no one can disturb your work.
But what if you land on a spot someone else wants? What if your rocket completely covers an asteroid? It's still unclear what happens then. Russia and China have not signed the Accords. There's no clear way to resolve disputes between everyone. So you'd better pay those lawyers' fees and get some good space insurance. You may lose your rocks, but at least…