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Shark Tank Secrets, Smart Money Moves, and My Real Relationship with Mark Cuban l Full Send Podcast

3m read
·Nov 7, 2024

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[Music] All right, we got another great episode. We got, uh, Kevin Oer in the house. Shows up in style, what, an hour and a half early, and crushes three happy dads right upon entrance.

Two watches. Two watches! You got to have two watches, otherwise you don't know what time it is in New York. You got East Coast and West Coast, LA time and New York time on each wrist. That's how you do it. Plus, you want to show your pieces, right? How many watches do you have?

I got a lot of watches. I got a lot of watches. And so, because I've been ripped off twice, two different heists, I don't talk about how many I have or where they are. But I did get me to start a watch insurance company that motivated me to do that.

I'm a big watch collector. I believe in horology. I think it's an art, no different than modern art. It's very collectible, and it's been a great appreciating asset. What's your favorite piece that you have?

You know that's a big debate. Everybody around in L.A. loves AP, a lot of Rolex bling here, Patek, of course. But right now, the number one brand on Earth, the most collected watch, the most coveted piece, because he's still alive, is FP Joran. Yes, he is the Picasso of watchmaking.

So if you could have bought a Picasso in the early 50s from Picasso and just held on to it, think about that investment. So that's how watchmakers think about Joran. Getting a piece from him, he's a very eclectic guy.

Every piece he makes, he wants to know who's getting it, why they should get it, and why they deserve it. It's a very interesting community, and people from around the world. You know, in a way, it's a curse for me because I get calls from all around the world, and people just grind on me.

"I need a Joran!" You got to talk to FP. It doesn't work that way. It just doesn't work that way. You have to earn your status as a collector because the last thing he wants is to sell you a piece for $18,000, which is his entry level, and then you flip it for $420,000 the next day. That really pisses him off.

Yeah, I've seen the reselling like crazy right now. They're hard to get. Yeah, but that's one of the only brands that's holding its value. Watches are down about 28% worldwide, except Joran. Joran only goes one way: up.

How do you get on the list? You gotta interview. You gotta go meet them and tell them why you deserve it. If you're not willing to spend three interviews, don't bother. What's the care who you are, how much money you have, or your royalty? Whatever it is, it doesn't matter. Why do you deserve the next Joran that's being made by one guy in Switzerland right now? Why you?

You should go interview for that. Yeah, that’s go! Can you give me an interview? Get him in the door where you can sell himself. But, are you a collector?

Yeah, okay, I can get you the interview, and you have to explain to them why you deserve one and why you'd be a great ambassador for it. That's the whole idea.

And of course, what are you wearing there? Rolex?

Yeah, yeah, this very nice piece. I noticed a bunch of good watches around here. Daytona over there.

Thank you. Whoop! Now, Whoop sucks.

Whoop's dope! What do you mean? Listen, how does Whoop suck? Not only is it ugly, its Aura does a much better job.

No, it blows! That doesn't show you workouts, though!

Are you kidding? Look, first of all, you're wasting space. You could have a real piece there; instead, you have a Whoop.

I don't think Aura rings are sauce.

I don't—what? The guy walks in the room, and he's 20% off retail right away. He's got a Whoop on. Who reps an Aura ring, though? Come on! An AA ring? Everyone reps Whoop, like athletes, Ronaldo. No one's rocking an AA ring!

I bet you they're paying him to wear that because Ronaldo would rather—

Suar reps it!

Sugar reps it? What, Aura?

Yeah, that's a—listen, I know the Whoop guy. He plays squash in Boston, great guy, but when you're giving up wrist space where you could put a piece, where you could really put a piece of art like a watch, and you put a Whoop there, I mean, I think you walk in the room and people are just doing this, like they can't believe it!

I love Whoop! Two wrists, two watches!

While we're talking about watches, William Woods, you've never heard of this gu...

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