Valley of the Boom: Trailer #1 | National Geographic
- That little A and At? See, that's what I said. Mm-hm. Um, Katie said she thought it was "about." Yeah. Oh.
MAN: But I'd never heard it.
KATIE COURIC: Or around or about.
MAN: I'd never heard it said. I'd always seen the mark but never heard it said. Yeah. What is internet anyway?
KATIE COURIC: What do you say to that, Allison?
MAN: What, do you write to it, like mail? No, a lot of people use it and communicate. I guess it's becoming really big now. But Allison, can you explain what internet is? My name is Darrin. I'm an investment banker.
In the mid-'90s, Wall Street has finally got a new favorite super model. [beeping] [dial-up tones] Silicon Valley! One word-- "Netscape." Netscape? They have zero concept of what Netscape is. They don't even know what the internet is.
Pixelon is number one in internet broadcasting. It's a social network. People will want to log on. I guarantee. It's very addictive. [phone ringing]
OK, let me break it down for you in the simplest of terms. This is the beginning of what they call the browser wars. NASDAQ is pumping. Why don't we have a price? Refresh your page. $71 a share? You got to be-- are you kiddin' me? [cheers]
It's the biggest IPO since Microsoft. I'm going to liven things up a little bit. [beatboxes] People are going to be throwing money at us. [pop] We are going to be very wealthy and very famous! We are the top browser in the business. Congratulations.
[tired cheers] It also makes us a target. [gun cocks] [gunshot] [casing clinks] Microsoft owns the internet. Did they just threaten us? I'm going to bring in a couple of experts.
Netscape changed the game. We were at Microsoft's mercy. We were the new kid on the block. They were deathbed competitors. [bubble pops] So that happened. We're out of money.
What about the technology I created? Goddammit! [inaudible]. Pixelon was a joke.
MAN: We have 90% of the browser market. You've also got Microsoft breathing down your neck. Good talk. I created something that you all now use every day. You're welcome. "Get big fast" was the mantra.
We are running a billion-dollar company. They wanted to take it on the train even though they didn't know where the train was going.
People are hoping for-- --a better tomorrow. [cheers]
MAN: And that's what we are selling. So let's keep it up! [shouting] [ringing and beeping]