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How to sell private jets to billionaires

less than 1m read
·Nov 3, 2024

Excuse me, what do you do for a living?

I sell jets.

No way!

Yeah, sure do. That's my showroom right there. You want to come in and see?

Yeah, let's go!

Let's go! A favorite saying of mine: time is money. Buy a jet!

Here's our showroom with a gigantic video wall. We take people through the whole process of how to select the aircraft that best fit your needs.

Also here is our fuselage of our Boeing Business Jet; it's the actual size of the airplane conference room of the airplane.

This is where all our sales and research people are sitting behind desks that are copies of aircraft cockpits.

And where do you work from?

I have my private office, which is right here.


This is sort of where I hibernate in here and really try to focus on the different transactions that we're dealing with.

People we deal with are unbelievably smart, educated, successful, wealthy. They're just very, very on top of things.

And if I'm not on the top of my game all the time, these people will just step all over us.

Thank you so much for the tour.

Thank you, appreciate it. When I want to buy a jet, I know where to come now.

There's only one place to come to buy a jet!

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