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Have you ever tried drugs?-200k special Q&A

9m read
·Nov 2, 2024

Hi guys, it's me Ruri! Today I am back with another Q&A video. We hit 200k, and in order to celebrate that, I'm gonna answer your guys's questions. So let's get started!

So alright, the first question is: "Is the good girl Ruri actually a good girl?" So they say that "fake it till you make it." I guess I'm not.

Second question: "Were you as confident as you are now before you got rid of your acne and lost weight?" If you don't know, I had pretty bad skin, which you can watch from this video, and I also lost 11 kilos. I guess, and the thing is, yes, I was always confident when I was much heavier than I am right now and also when I had a bunch of acne. Yes, those things affected my self-confidence, but at that time, I was still pretty self-confident. I mean, I was happy in my own skin and I loved myself.

The thing is, when your self-confidence is tied to your outer appearance, I think that is not the true self-confidence that we're talking about. Because once it's tied to your looks, it's really fragile. Because looks can change. Once your looks change, you don't have what your self-confidence is based on. So rather than building your self-confidence from your looks, I think it is important to build your self-confidence from your inner self. I believe in myself; I believe that I am capable of the things that I want to do if I work hard. I love myself, and I trust myself. I think that is the true confidence that we're talking about.

A lot of people mistake self-confidence for narcissism, but I think there is something very different between the two. Narcissism is thinking that you're perfect; self-confidence is knowing your imperfections and accepting them, but still working towards them in order to become a better version of yourself. This is how I define self-confidence, and I love myself no matter what! So yeah, I can make a video about it if you guys want.

"Is your jawline natural? Did you do something for it, like exercises? If you did, can you film a video about it?" No, I didn't. My jawline is natural. Once I lost weight, my jawline became much more visible, but this is something genetic. My brother has a pretty sharp jawline as well. But I mean, if I would get some Botox or fillers or something, I'd definitely make a video about it. I don't have anything against plastic surgery or Botox and different treatments once you do those things in order to love yourself more. If you're doing those things for another person or for others to accept you, I think there is something problematic. However, if you're doing those things in order to love yourself more, in order to have fun, in order to experiment, I think that's awesome! Go for it.

"Would you like to be a boy for a day?" Hmm, it is a good question. Yeah, yeah, why not? I mean, I think gender won't really matter that much because I don't think that I'll change my behaviors. I think if I'm a boy, I'd act exactly the same. I hate statements like "Don't do those things; you are a female; you're a woman; you're a girl." Categorizing people according to their genders is such a meaningless thing to me. I understand why people do that, but I personally don't do that.

"Can you give us some advice about traveling since you did it a lot?" Yes, I did travel a lot. The thing that I can recommend is that always plan ahead. Also, the thing that I do is that I plan my travels on Notion, and I have a template which I can link down below. When you copy that, there is a travel section in there; there is a list of the things that you should bring for the vacation. So by checking those things and clicking those things, you won't forget anything. So I recommend you to do that. My brother always forgets; he always borrows from me. So I recommend you to do that. I'll link that Notion template, and if you want to learn how to use that, there is a video of mine you can watch as well.

"Do you plan to write a book?" Greetings from Mexico! Hi! Yes, I do. Actually, not a single book, but a bunch of books. I think there are so many things that I want to express and that I want to write and publish. There are also a lot of things that I haven't talked about in my life and what I experienced because of some reasons, due to some private reasons. Once I become able to talk about those things, I want to write a bunch of books. I have a lot of things to say on a lot of different topics, so it would be super fun to write a book. I love that!

"How do you deal with criticism and people who look down on you?" So the thing is, no matter what you do, no matter how good you are, there will always be people who will look down on you and criticize you. You can't make everybody happy! I don't want to make everybody happy unless I'm happy and unless my loved ones are happy. It's totally fine. People who don't know you are of course gonna criticize you because they don't know you. It is really meaningless to care about people who you don't care about.

Another thing that I really love about David Dunning's psychology is that he says people try to feel superior because they feel inferior. People get jealous of you because they're not fully confident in themselves. I'm pretty confident in my own skin, and when I see other people's achievements, it makes me happy, and I can also learn new things from those people about how to be successful in that way. I try to learn from that. But if you're not 100% confident in your own skin, you're gonna get jealous of that.

"Do you see yourself living in Japan at some point in the future?" Yeah, for sure. Why not? I would like to.

"If 'Ruri' wasn't your name, what do you want it to be?" Yes, I know I'm pretty creative, but there is a name called— I don't know if there is a name such as "La Houdido," but if I were to have twins as my kids, I would name them Rudo and Andy. Is it cute?

"Describe us your high school?" Okay, what ridiculous thing has someone tricked you into doing or believing? Oh, I have a story to tell about this. My brother told me when we were kids that we were actually supposed to be twins, but then when we were in our mom's tummy, he threw something and I ran in order to catch that thing. So he was born first. For five years, I believed that he was five years older than me because of that. I was telling the story to my kindergarten teachers, and they were laughing, but I didn't know the truth. I was a very, very pure child. You know, he tricked me.

"Would you want to live in another country? Which one?" I think living in another country is a great way to get outside of your comfort zone. So I would like to; Japan would be great, but that wouldn't be really outside of my comfort zone. Maybe Singapore, maybe Germany, maybe Australia, because I’ve never been there. Maybe Korea. Yeah, I would like to live in Taiwan as well, because I love the food. I love other Asian countries, but the weather is so hot, and I can't tolerate hot.

"Have you had a platonic love?" Not really, because I'm the type of person who really confesses my feelings. I can't sleep if I want to confess my feelings. I hate when people approach me, and I hate it when people try to flirt with me, but I cannot stop myself. If I like someone or if I have some sort of interest in them, I tell my feelings, no matter what.

"Do you prefer listening to books or reading books?" Hmm, I really love Audible. I think I told this on my channel like 20 times or something, but they're still not sponsoring me! Audible, can you please sponsor me? I really love listening to books, but it depends on the book actually. If that book has a lot of graphics and a lot of images to look at, then I would prefer to read. But if it's something more story-ish, then I would like to listen to that book.

"What do you think about drinking alcohol and smoking cigarettes?" I don't like people who smoke because it is bad for you as well as for me. So it affects the people that are around you. I think that's a very non-responsible thing to do. When it comes to alcohol, I think anything that becomes an addiction is bad. I have a coffee addiction that I should probably take care of, but coffee is too good!

"What one thing do you love about yourself?" By the way, I'm your new follower; loving your videos! Oh, thank you! Oh, one thing—one thing—it is hard to pick just one! Just kidding. I don't give up on things. Even if it takes five years, ten years, no matter what, I'll achieve that thing. No matter what people say—people will say that I'll fail; people will say any sort of reason to criticize me—but I won't give up. I guess that's the one thing that I love about myself.

"What will you do when you have 1 million subscribers?" I'll take care of my parents, and I think I'll bring them to Japan. I think I'll book a first-class ticket and then I'll make it into like 10 videos or something so that I can pay for that, or I don't know. I think I'll bring them to Japan with business or with a first-class ticket; that would be super fun though!

"Why do you intend on retiring so early?" So if you don't know me, I want to retire at 40 so that I can enjoy the rest of my life basically. The reason is that I love work, not gonna lie, but at the same time, I think there are a lot of things that I won't experience. I don't think that I'll marry, you know, at a very early age because I want to focus on my career and on myself and my education, and I have a lot of big dreams that I want to make true.

But at the same time, I think there are a lot of things that I can experience, and I don't think that we experience the things that we can do. For example, my mom and my dad, they work pretty hard even though they're in their 50s in order to support us, but I don't want to live like that. I want to live my best life. I want to travel; I want to eat some good food; I want to shop; I want to learn more. I don't want to do things that other people want me to do. I just want to focus on the things that I truly want. By that time, if I would have kids, I would focus on them and I would enjoy life. And in order to do that, you have to have pretty good money, maybe passive income, several passive incomes in order to support that, and in order to do that, I'm working hard.

"Have you ever written to Ali to ask him to give you his feedback on your work?" So he's talking about Ali Abdaal, who is my favorite YouTuber. I want to, because the thing is that our time—your time, my time, everybody else's time—is very valuable. The thing that is really problematic these days is that people don't understand other people's value as well as their time. If I would ask Ali to give me feedback, then I would have to pay for him. Because the internet is something that we all have access to, people think that information is something free, but true valuable information is something expensive. If I would take feedback from him, then I would have to give something that is equally valuable to him in order to take his time. That's the thing that we should really consider. Our time is valuable; your time is valuable. If you're trying to get something from other people, give exactly the same thing that is as valuable as you're taking.

"Does reading manga in English have any difference than reading in Japanese?" For sure! I always say this: when you watch animes and read mangas, Japanese has very different characteristics according to that person. For example, my Japanese is not elegant at all—you shouldn't really mimic my Japanese. Also, the way you talk in Japanese really shows their characteristics. When they translate it into English, it really loses every single characteristic that it has. When I read the English subtitles when I watch anime, sometimes it is just so wrong. I need to think that they're telling or translating it in the right way, but it's not 100% accurate; it's maybe like 60% accurate or something. So it is very different, so I would recommend you to learn Japanese.

"What's your favorite character in Tokyo Avengers?" Enough for Mikey, please! Yes, I do love Mikey, but he's not my favorite. Actually, my top three favorites are Tifuyu, then I love Hama; I love his looks. And then I also love Coco. I just love Coco so much!

"Have you ever felt uncomfortable because of the complimenting words coming from your followers?" For sure! Because some people don't really understand how to compliment another person. For example, the compliments that I get are, "You're too cute for an Asian!" or "You're too beautiful for an Asian!" What does it even mean? That's something racist that you're saying, and it's not even a compliment. Some people don't understand the line between sexual assault and compliment, so it makes me uncomfortable.

"Is reading fiction books a waste of time?" I don't think so, because when you read fiction books, you develop your—what is that? Sympathy. You can improve your EQ, which is emotional quotient that I have to work on. Maybe I should read more fiction. It's a great way to entertain yourself. I mean, it's much better than scrolling on Instagram and looking at other people and feeling jealous about them.

"Have you tried drugs?" No, I'm a good girl; I haven't!

So I guess that was it for today! I hope you guys enjoyed this video! See you in my next video!

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