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Would I run for President?

less than 1m read
·Nov 8, 2024

And you said you're not running for president. I wonder, there's not much time left. You should maybe consider running for president. And why not do it? Why not? Why? What's the argument to be so successful, so rich, so intellectually curious, and not do what the country needs you to do?

Is get in the arena. We need you, Mr. Doio! Get in the arena! Who wants him in the arena? Let's go! Nice and generous compliment, thank you very much!

Why seriously, on a personal level? Take me through it. Well, okay, Mario, I would give up my life for the country. Okay, okay, but um, Mario Draghi in Italy, if you know the story, um, he knows the system and how it works, and that if you don't have United and, and operating in that way, um, everybody's going to be torn apart.

So I think whatever thoughts I have, if these are helpful thoughts, I think my best role is to pass along whatever helpful thoughts I have, and then the population as a whole deals with those thoughts. So I'm making my best contribution that I can. I feel that's my best capacity, and then that's up to the people.

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