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Gordon Fishes for Eels | Gordon Ramsay: Uncharted

3m read
·Nov 11, 2024

First things first. Time to go fishing. I hope to get some—some eels. Some eels? Yeah, a Conger eel. We have big conger eels here.

GORDON RAMSEY (VOICEOVER): Of course, David wants to go fishing for conger eels. They're powerful and enormous, just like David's competitive Croatian spirit.

Is that yours? Yes. Yes, it's my beauty. That is a beautiful boat. Thank you. Oh, I'm so excited, honestly.

You're not going fishing from my sailing boat. What? We're not going fishing from my sailing boat. We're going fishing with my father. Stop it. In that dingy? Yeah. It's a traditional way of fishing. Yeah, but hold on a minute. Ah, this is for joy—for fun. But let's talk about comfortable first.

Is that really your father? Yeah. Good morning. Welcome. Good to see you. Are you serious we're going fishing in that? Yes. There's me thinking we're on this beautiful, glamorous sailboat that belongs to David and his family. But no, [bleep] he wants me to become Croatian quickly.

Should we set sail? Or set sink?

GORDON RAMSEY (VOICEOVER): People told me Croatia was like Italy, but none of my vacations on the Amalfi Coast had me fishing in a boat not much bigger than a bathtub. David's dad set a line of baited hooks at dawn to hopefully catch a conger eel. Just be careful for the hooks. Big hooks. Be very careful. It's a dangerous thing.

GORDON RAMSEY (VOICEOVER): [bleep] This line has 100 hooks set 3 meters apart. [bleep] Big hooks. Grab the wrong spot and you've gone from fisherman to catch of the day. Little bend on your knees so it will be easier. Gotcha. It's a workout and a half. Yep. It's good for your shoulders.

There's one on there. Hm? There's one on there. Yeah? It's a big one. Yes. When you start feeling that tug, all of a sudden, it's an indication there's a conger. That's heavy on there.

Get up. Get up. You can feel it. Wow. [non-english speech] That's a big one. I'm talking about a girth of your knee. I mean, they're thick, and they're strong, and they're powerful. There's another one. There's another one down there. Yes, it's a big one. It's a big one? [bleep] I can feel it. That is mahoosive. There's one more on here. What the [bleep] is under there?

The tug of a conger eel with a hand line is huge. You can really feel that thing fighting you. That's heavy on there. [bleep] There is that adrenaline because you're pulling like mad and you can feel it tug, tug, tug. Here she comes. He's coming. It's tugging like mad.

GORDON RAMSEY (VOICEOVER): This line isn't budging. David says eels here can weigh nearly 30 pounds, which is much bigger than anything I've pulled in so far. That is massive. It's a big one. Wow. That's a beauty. The size of that thing.

GORDON RAMSEY (VOICEOVER): After my Croatian CrossFit workout, I'm definitely ready for a break. Oh.

GORDON RAMSEY (VOICEOVER): I just hope my arms have enough strength left to lift the eel from my plate to my mouth. We made some conger eel pâté. Mm. It's silky—Wow. --and very tasty, a little bit buttery. I had no idea it can be finessed to that level of a pâté. It's really good. Our limit in the kitchen, you know, it's all in our heads.

An amazing start to my journey, let me tell you. I'll come back at the end of the week and we'll cook together. Yeah? I'll give you a run for your money. Thank you. Now can you get me off this bloody boat? I never thought a conger eel could set the bar. Based on the flavor of that pâté, I think this guy has got other tricks up his sleeve. This is going to be a tough final cook.

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