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BioShock Infinite Trailer HD [WITH REACTION]

3m read
·Nov 10, 2024

Hey everybody, Jeff from Waikiki Gamer. The new BioShock Infinite trailer came out; commentaries afterwards. [Music] Play. [Music]

What's BioShock Infinite? It's this game that's set in the Bioshock unit... no, it's not. Yes, it is. All right, I'm really, really excited about this game. I guarantee you, Irrational's gonna knock it out of the park. But the trailer has me wondering what the heck's going on.

It's in a space... well, it's a guy. This guy, it's a sky city. If I wanted that, I'd go play Star Wars and play investment. How can you even call it BioShock? BioShock is very specific about the plasmid world: underwater, Big Daddies, Little Sisters. You think... what do you think when you think BioShock?

Well, I do think underwater, but it's just one city in the whole world. Why does every city have to be underwater in BioShock? You can't just put a sky city and call it BioShock. The... you know what? I liked BioShock up until I got to the Big Daddies, and then I hated it.

So you hated the whole game? Yeah, basically. You're an idiot. BioShock was one of the best games ever! Second was good. I don't think it was good as person one. The story wasn't as good. I've only played the first one, and I used all my ammo on that Big Daddy, and he just killed me over and over.

To shows, I don't know if you've seen our Marvel vs. Capcom video where I kicked his ass; just shows how bad he is at the game. I mean...

I thank you so much, Jeff. Just meet you more a day. The worst part about this trailer, beyond the name and the fact that they're calling it BioShock, is there's not a lick of gameplay. Well, and there's barely a story. There's a guy falling who got fallen, and a woman catches him. If you could call her grip catching...

I thought the force grip is neat. I don't know why she needed roses. Yeah, woman absorbs all the roses. She's kind of like, "Oh, I just kind of need to see what I'm gripping. Help me make a bouquet. I'm a Jedi."

But show me some gameplay. Then maybe I wouldn't be ragging on the name of the game because that's really all you've given me: a guy with rose petals.

Now, shitty name? No, I disagree. What they gave us was a concept, and I think it's a really neat, interesting name—the concept—something that's related to the visual concept you're showing me. But how? Here's the thing, how many times are they going to be able to do the same game underwater over and over again? I'm not a bank in the loop, but come up with a new name for it. Sky City would be better than BioShock.

I have no problem with the new BioShock game. Actually, I think it looks good in it, and despite the fact that I hate the other BioShock games, I might play it. And I'm going to say I might play it despite the fact the trailer sucks, has no gameplay in it, and the title is meaningless.

It is kind of me. You might as well call it NFL Football 2011: Sky City. Well, no, that would have made more sense because it had Sky City in it. I just think Infinite... what does that have to do with anything? I know hopefully it's gonna be something.

I did not see an infinite world. That guy was clearly falling to the ground; there hadn't the arms on it. He was gonna eat on porn right before he... well, and the thing is, even the concept of infinity, the human mind can't even fathom it. So why even bother?

It's actually not Adam's mind, which is no any mind. You draw in the same small town. What do you work? Why'd you bring up gerbils? What have you... what if people told you?

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