Westworld , Ford about God and existence. [S02E07]
[Music] To see the world, rain of sand, heaven in a wild flower. Hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour.
Robert: How are you alive?
Bernard: Well, you've seen the company's little undertaking. Do you think James Dallas would have spent all that money just to resurrect himself? It was a businessman. He would have preferred death to a bad investment. Not much variety on you.
I'll give you a discount. He's not a prospect, Clementine. Hunt, you tell when a man's just here to walk with the merchandise.
I don't think God rested on the seventh day, but nada. I think he reveled in his creation, knowing that someday it would be destroyed. That control unit I printed, it was you. You had me bring you here. Food the laws kill me. Don't you understand at last, Bernard? With his face, with the ears, come with me for something I'd like to show you.
Shall murder them all? Passage from one world to the next requires bold steps. For now, and the great library burned. First 10,000 years of stories produced Vash, but those stories never really barraged. It became a new story, the story of the fire.
A man's urge to take a thing of beauty and strike the match.