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See Elephants at Their Local Watering Hole – Day 55 | Safari Live

22m read
·Nov 11, 2024

[Music] this program features live coverage of an African safari and may include animal kills and caucuses viewer discretion is advised. It's a breezy, shimmery party-filled atmosphere as we celebrate the birth of Scotty 2 Hotty. This is Safari Live! I am in the middle of one of the true wilderness areas left in the world. This is the most mind-blowing wildlife experience you could ever hope to have. Good afternoon! Good afternoon and welcome to our beautiful summer's day here in Juma Game Reserve. As you can see, I'm wearing a ridiculous hat and that's because it's party time for Scotty D, whose birthday it is today!

Now my name is Tristan. On camera today I've got Sins. Oh, and those Sins—oh, Sins! I was also getting involved in the birthday spurts and I will show you what he looks like a little bit later. But remember this is live; it is interactive! So if you want to join in the festivities of the birthdays and all kinds of other things that are going on this afternoon, remember hashtags #safarilive on Twitter or YouTube chat if you would like to do so.

Right now the plan for this afternoon, other than looking like a complete ridiculous human driving around in a sparkly blue hat with little red ribbons flowing off of it and trying not to get laughed at is to hopefully find some animals. Hopefully, they will also appreciate my hat and will be out in full force. So what we're going to do is we need to do our time lapses quickly just to get those out of the way. So that'll be down towards Treehouse Dam and then from there I'm gonna just take it as it comes and I'll probably end up going towards Chitra this afternoon. We also will have Noel often about for the first afternoon drive, so be nice to her and ask lots of questions, and then hopefully the Mara will join us a little bit later.

I know they have been rained upon right now and no one likes rain on the birthday parade, so hopefully that will all clear up soon and we'll have Scotty and Taylor art in their fancy hats! I hope they join the party because otherwise I'm gonna look ridiculous all on my own with a fancy hat! Right Sins, up! Should we get going and go and do all these things that we need to do? I think so! I feel like we need to just quickly get these time lapses out of the way so you can have a bit of a party after that and have a good time.

But Sins is going to get out shortly, and we're going to show you exactly how Sins is dressed today. He's once again going with Safari chic but a touch of sparkly jewels! I think today is the best way to put it. So we'll definitely have to show you exactly how he looks very shortly. It’s a little model shoot over for us just now, and I'll show you the photos from that little model shoot or photo, should I say. There's one that captures the essence of Sins perfectly, and so we'll get that just now.

Now I think this hat actually, funny enough, now that I think about it has been used many a time. I believe that Sam once wore it back in the day, and I think James has worn it once, and now I'm wearing it! Everybody to tell me what to wear at the moment, I've had a week of being laughed at and, well, I think it's going to continue today as we drive around in this hat! I promise to try and keep it on for as long as possible, but I do feel like I might have to mix it up! I feel like I might have to create a bit of suspense and have different hats on today! Who knows? Maybe I will, maybe I won’t, but the blue hat is definitely going to be here to stay for the first little bit of this drive!

Right Sins, I’m going to position us so that we can see your thanks. Meg says I look great and Meg’s is the one that we need to kind of impress because Megan, some of you may not know this, but Megan is actually a superstar! She really is, probably the most famous of all of us. Yes she’s in a music video that has over 4 million views, and Megan is in that music video! And so she’s very famous, far more famous than I’ll ever be! But anyway, it’s okay, I’ll just deal with it! And so if I get advice from Megan, well then I’m on the right track. And if she says I look good, well then there we go! Meg, thank you very much! I appreciate that!

Now you’ll see Sins over there. Sins is rocking, like I say, Safari chic once again! He’s got khaki shirt, khaki pants, nice long socks, completed by the leather felt screen, which is an absolute Safari must! And to top it all off we've got a bit of a color in the belts—you see there’s some Masai colors coming through his little Kenyan expedition! You've got to add a bit of touch of Kenya to our show to mix it up! And on top then he’s wearing his jeweled crown, which is the crown of the king—and King Sins is the king of fashion! And so that’s him looking as dapper as death could be on this afternoon of celebrations!

So Sins, I think you're looking wonderful, and I think you need to give everyone a thumbs up! There we go, well done! Thanks buddy, you’re looking very good today! Maybe we go! So it seems Sins is feeling as though he does look good as well. Right, let's carry on and see if we can get to Treehouse Dam without laughing too much at ourselves!

The thing is, this afternoon, while we kind of trying to move around, it seems as though there might be a few technical difficulties with some of the other vehicles. So you might be with me for a little while longer, which I hope you don’t mind—and I hope Scotty will get out today! Because I feel like sending Scotty a couple videos and photos and various other things to him as he drives along just so that he can be in the party mood with us! And I really do hope that he and Taylor have got hats on!

I issued the challenge today because Scotty said he wanted a party hat and he said he wanted to have a beer party now of course we couldn’t make him one in Sindler to Kenya so I was hoping that maybe somebody decided to do it for him. And knowing Taylor, well she never shies away from a challenge to get dressed up, and so I'm hoping she also has a hat of her own this afternoon!

But barring all of those kind of things, I think we’re gonna have a fairly slow start to our afternoon. It was very, very quiet this morning and we didn’t see too much, but I think it'll be a little bit of a slow start given how warm it is! It is extremely hot—give me it’s not a single cloud in the sky.

It’s amazing how every morning we’re waking up with overcast conditions, fairly cool, and by the afternoon, it’s blazing and clear and very kind of warm! So I think most of the animals will be in some sort of shade area, some sort of thicket just trying to stay out of the Sun for a bit! You can always tell that that's the case when you come onto quarantine and there are no animals in quarantine—you know then it’s been quite warm!

And so I would imagine if we just check around the shady sections, watery sections, we might get lucky with some of the herbivorous animals; and then later in the day, hopefully some of the spotted cats are out and about because we know our naughty tawny cats have ditched us for quite some time!

Interestingly enough though, I did get a little rumor today, and it can only be a rumor at this stage; I don’t know for sure, so don’t quote me on this and don’t think that it is an absolute! But apparently, it sounds like one of the Inkohuma females has also given birth to cubs on Elephant Plains! Now the only Inkohuma female that could possibly be giving birth would be Amber’s! So I wait with bated breath for confirmation of this!

But they said to me this morning that there are two females lactating in that pride, not just one, and so I’m interested to see who the other one is and what’s going on. One of the guys I spoke to said he’s gonna go and investigate. Sake and he didn't see them this morning, but he’s gonna go investigate this afternoon and try and give me confirmation on that. But if that is true, then that's absolutely exciting news!

And let's hope that the Inkohuma pride comes back to this area and shows us the new additions to the pride! It would be wonderful to have them back on this side of the world! If maybe is why they’re spending so much time that side of the boundary! And hopefully eventually it will bring them back!

Yeah, other than that, news on all the other animals that we have out and about! Pairing P. Gajima was in Arethusa again last night causing a bit of trouble with Ingrid, Damn’s young female, and they were having a little kind of fight to scrap over a carcass—of course Gajima won that battle very, very quickly! Because, well, male versus female, there's never gonna really work! So he managed to get off with that.

Shadow and cub obviously on the Dog Re Hassan is close to Chitra boundary Little Gary, so hopefully he's going to cross over towards Egypt! Where no updates for Tamba or Tandi or any of those, so hopefully this afternoon will bring a lot more exciting things and a lot more luck and above in what we had this morning!

Right, it seems as though technical glitches have been shifted aside, gremlins have been booted, and Noel is ready to make her first appearance and to say hello to all of you as a fully crew! So without further ado, let’s go over to her so she can say and let me to everyone!

Good afternoon, everybody, and welcome to this beautiful warm, slightly windy day in Juma on the northern sands in South Africa! I am Noelle! You can follow us on hashtag Safari live or on YouTube chat! It's my very first official drive with everybody, so thank you for all the warm wishes I received on my Instagram feed! It made me smile, made me super happy!

And on camera I have Jean Dre! Hello, Jean Dre, back from the Mara! And some leave happy to be out here, so we’re busy sitting at the hyena den. This morning as you guys know, it was super cold and a little bit quiet! So I was crossing fingers, crossing thumbs, holding thumbs rather! Crossing toes that maybe, just maybe, they might pop out and show their cute little faces!

But unfortunately, it's just a bit warm! It's about 30 degrees Celsius—about 80, 85 Fahrenheit! So I think what we're gonna do is rather head off to one of the watering holes and see if we can find anything coming for a drink or maybe some bird activity along the way! So there's your Noel moment for the day!

I know we’re always in August! Alright, we’re gonna head over to Tristan, so it seems a few gremlins are still lurking about! But that's okay, we’ll sort those out and Noah will be often bought all over the place! But I'm sure she's super excited to be out! Sure, I know Noah! I've worked with her at Chilla before! So she came and helped us out some freelance for a while there, and we got along very well.

And it’s kind of like old times being back in this area again, so hopefully, she will have a wonderful time with us and she will grow and enjoy—love all of it!

Could you? I was so busy talking about other things that I didn’t even notice you! I’m sorry! Let me come back and appreciate you because you're in the shade and you are also wearing your best party hat!

And that is the best party hat I could you could ever want! And that is the form of an ox bag! Oh no, the oxpecker flew away! There was a perfect party hat! It was sitting right in between its ears! But the oxpeckers have now moved! And they’re along the side of the body and down the back! And, in fact, this could you is absolutely covered in oxpeckers!

I wonder if they are feeding off the mange mites because this could who does have mange! If you look on its neck area where these ox pickers are actually sitting, there is a bit of mange that is formed on that area!

And so Amanda, if they do feed off mange mites, I’ve actually never read of oxpeckers feeding off that! I know they feed off parasites and ticks and various other things! But honestly I'm not sure if they do feed off the mange mites themselves!

I’ll have to just try and research that! Maybe some of you might know! Same there! Who do you in the background is actually one that's way more affected than this individual? One that's crossing the road there, she’s got lots of scarring from mange! And that will go away now that we're in the summer months!

You're gonna find, as the sort of rain comes and washes their coats clean, and they'll be able to groom it all out and the population of mites will decrease! Mange is very prevalent in the winter months and particularly dry winters! Remember that even though we're going into summer and spring now, and there are green shoots to the leaves, a lot of these animals are still suffering!

It's still dry, dry, dry, dry! There's not a lot of moisture content around! And even the trees that have sprouted leaves and the grass that has grown is slowly but surely dying due to the fact that it's so hot at the moment in the afternoons! And so little rain has fallen!

So it's not ideal for these guys, but they will be fine! The body condition of that particular kudu is very good! So there's no need to worry about it just yet! The thing about mites and wall mange mites is that they do dehydrate these animals quite heavily! And so as long as they can find water, they should be okay!

They're just gonna have to spend a lot more time at water drinking all the time! And so maybe that's why they close to Treehouse Dam! I’ve seen this particular kudu here for the last week just hanging around this area!

Kathy, you asking if birds groom each other! Now I've never seen the oxpeckers physically groom one another! I would imagine that's the chicks, get groomed by the adults when they're younger and still in the nest! On the animal itself, no yall find that they don't groom one another!

They’re very good at grooming or preening themselves, preening is probably a better word to use for the grooming process of a bird! But they tend to look after themselves fairly well, and they don't actually groom each other! It's only if it's a mother or father grooming the little chicks! You'll find that they probably look after them a little bit and thistledown and just make sure that they’re nice and clean and free of mites and various other things before they learn how to do it!

It's a fairly quick process! They’re little chicks, a lot of these chicks! I mean they fledging in, you know, 15, 20 days of the smaller birds! And so they learn the technique fairly quickly! Right, but I think those kudos have got the best idea is to try and get into some sort of shade because it is stiflingly hot in the sun!

I feel like I am being melted like a little candle! And so we don't want to be melted like a candle on party day! We want to be able to be a bright burning shiny candle! So let’s try and carry on driving or find some sort of shade to discuss all of these things!

Now I see the tracks for shadow and cub from last night or in this little area as well! They do go down towards Treehouse Dam, we know, and then down south and into Little Gary itself, which is a bit of a pity! I was hoping that we were going to find them at Treehouse Dam this morning, and that they were going to end up resting in the sun, trying to take it easy for the day and then only cross over tonight!

But that's the way it goes and we can’t really complain too much! Shelley was here for about two days! We just only managed to find out yesterday morning! So hopefully she’ll come back! It seems as though she is spending a lot of time in this area!

What's interesting me very much is that I used to see, when I was at some Amelia, we used to see Tandi frequently in the Milwaukee to the south of twin dam so from a view pans upward towards the rock re camp, and then from there now she seems as though Shadow has moved in there completely and pushed Tandi out of that section, which is quite strange to me! I would have thought Tandi would be trying to keep that area for herself!

Maybe she realizes with all these young males around in the form of Tamba and Husana that it's maybe better to push further north and leave that shadow can look after that! And try and kind of keep her little daughter alive in that area! And she'll try and push up into this northern section where it's a little quieter! And she can move around a lot less, well, under cover basically— a lot more under cover than if she's down in the south!

And we know Husana—oh my goodness! it's going to snow! There are like 50 elephants next to me! That's amazing! That's so cool! I haven’t seen elephants in so long! Now I know I get super excited with this second mini ELLs up—and it’s so cool! Have missed elephants a lot!

And so this is a sight for sore eyes! Hello guys! Where have you all been? Hopefully you like my hats and don’t run away! Oh no! My hat's getting hit off my trees! No! They don’t really want me to come much closer so I'm just going to stay here! Yeah, but this is exciting to see! I didn’t expect to see that many elephants as I was driving down the road! I just saw the road now, and I thought, well it looks like a few elephant tracks there! I wonder if these are any good? I was gonna check a little bit further down, but there you can see a whole grouping of elephants all together!

Now they are looking, so they're quite hot! A lot of them are sitting dead still! The ears are out a little bit trying to catch whatever breeze there is! Nothing, they'll settle down! I think there’s an initial shock of us kind of finding them and just going off-road a little bit! So they were all kind of stopped and looked in my direction!

But everybody’s starting to relax now and feed! And I see a few more of them ride up on the top of the crest! And they sort of kind of spread across this area! It’s not fifty elephants as I first thought! It's a little bit less than that! But I was excited, so it’s the way it goes!

But very cool to see these guys! I don’t know where they’ve come from and why they're here, but at least we do have them! So I’m certainly going to spend a vast majority of my time with these guys this afternoon if they will allow me! Now while I search and enjoy the beauty of some elephants on Juma for the first time in a long time, the birthday boy is out and about! I hope he’s wearing a fancy hat! But he does want to say hello to all of you! And he’s got something that might fly away! So let's quickly jump across to him!

Hello everyone! And exciting stuff with that large herd of elephants! It's a cold, wet, and windy afternoon here in the Maasai Mara! We’ve just got a deluge of rain as you can see we all covered up! We’ve just been sniping out of the one window! The rain isn't too hard at the moment! This slow very slight pitter-patter! But there is a lot of rain in the area! So I’m guessing we’re gonna have an interesting afternoon!

On top of that, trying to get into position, a vehicle at an angle like this to be able to get a shot of that bird up in the tree! And in so doing, a fully a bystander saw it fall out and told us! Allah has a hold of driven off unbeknownst! So I’m gonna have to hop arts! And that’s what the solution is! And where that I can continue Drive gently without that coil spring! You can see this black chested snake, it goes a little bit wet! And you've got an idea of the weather we are experiencing here!

Now I must apologize! We didn't really come to the party with the party hats! But we'll hold on to Tristan and Sins! I'm looking forward to seeing their outfits! And I’m also looking forward to some pizzas later this evening! That’s the plan for us! We’re gonna have a pizza partay! There’s a very nice pizza oven that we get to use that the Ngarmet camp kindly lend us when they're not using its!

Well let us use their little Bush dinner sides! A good news is at least you’ve got Tristan, Taylor and Noel, and very excited for Noel and her prospects with our team! It sounds like she has a wealth of knowledge and I’m sure all of you are looking forward to getting a new style of guiding! Each guide has their own little way about doing things! A very warm welcome to her! And we wish her all the best on her first official drive!

Oh goodbye! Perfect timing! Because as that bird hit off it sounded like Tristan wanted you to jump back on his vehicle with that large herd of elephants! Well, we do still ever! And he's there! Little on the shy side, so they keep moving off a little bit! I tried to just reposition so we had some sort of shade! And they didn’t really like my repositioning and moved off a little bit!

So I’m just gonna stay where I am now! I didn’t even manage to get to the shade itself! I just stopped as soon as they started moving just so that they would settle down and start feeding! And kind of get a bit more relaxed again! But it's so nice to see them on the property again! And see little babies! I’m sure it's just that they are not used to the vehicles!

And maybe it’s also hot and it's uncomfortable! But you can see all of a sudden there’s been some sort of communication! And everybody is up and moving incredibly fast! So they're not hanging around for anybody! That's for sure! Which is a shame! I was hoping that they would be far more relaxed in this and we could just spend the afternoon with them as they kind of feed their way along!

But they seem as though they're a little on the shy side! And I don’t want to pressurize them at all! So we're gonna keep our distance! And just try and see if we can just find a way that we can stand quite far from them and still watch them nicely as they go along feeding!

I’m surprised they're moving as much as they are! It’s hot, and I would imagine that they would rather be in the shade than right out in the open! Of course elephants are supremely well designed and just handle the heat with that!

Yeah, they almost act like a radiating system! And are able to flap and cause the blood to basically get cooler! But it also, as far as sometimes they get a little bit on the grumpy side in the heat! And they move! Now I believe there’s a herd of ELLs at Jumma cam! So maybe Noel, who's that side of the world, can head there!

Because I’m right down in the south at the moment! So it’ll take me quite a while to get there! And maybe if Noel’s on that set! Ah, I know, ELLs going to Pool’s of Dam! Okay well maybe when she’s finished this, she can hit that player!

It just goes to show you from no elephants! Now we’ve worked a whole bunch of herds all at once! It was only a matter of time in heat like this that ELLs were going to come back to an area where there is water!

Now oh Henry, you want to push too hard but let’s try and just catch up a little bit with him! They are quite far now, hoping that if we just get into a place where we can still see them!

And we can sit, well I see there’s another herd to my right! Yet another whole grouping on my right-hand side, whether or not these guys are going to come to the ones on the right! So I’m not quite sure! But let’s have a look!

They seem as though they’re changing direction and starting to move more towards this herd that’s on the right-hand side! So maybe if we can go to the right-hand side, we can settle with them!

These groupings will start coming back this way! What I’m going to do though is because they’re a little nervous—the shininess of my hats and as much as I like to wear a hat and we like to have a lot of fun this is probably not the best thing for what we’re doing right now!

Now ELLs notice things like this! So I’m just gonna put that off while we’re with the ELLs! I’ll put it back on a bit later! But while we’re with the ELLs themselves! I don’t want to cause any unnecessary sort of distraction to them!

You can see a whole bunch of them still moving on my right inside! So they slowly, kind of moving away from me! It’s not ideal where we are either! It’s brief! The condense in here, which means that I’m hitting a lot of trees and branches! And that’s causing a bit of sort of noise to start! And that’s why they moved away!

But there’s the rest of the herd! It seems to be about nine or ten over there, and then about another twelve or so to my left-hand side! So it’s really good size average size herd for our area! They definitely are a welcome sight though!

Like I say, super excited to see them! One of the biggest things that we’ve missed over the last few weeks has been these guys! I love spending time with elephants particularly here on Duma, because generally they are very relaxed! And we do get these intimate experiences where elephants are often all around the car! And, you know, it really just is wonderful to watch these social nuances as they move, interact with one another!

The family and the Titans unit that they form is always fascinating to watch him to observe! And so I really hope that these guys do spend a bit of time and relax with us! That we can stay here a little longer!

The sense is elephant herds won't fight too much unless we get a situation where it gets dire for water and things like that! Then you'll find they’ll compete quite a lot around the water sources! And they’ll push each other and kind of move each other off! But generally no they’re not too stressed about one another!

In fact, you’ll often find a lot of communication will take place! And they’ll come towards one another, investigate! There’ll be lots of rumbling, lots of calling! And then everyone will either go their separate ways or they sometimes even join together for a few days! If conditions are right and there is a food source that is available!

And water that is available, then your fun! You can actually see! Look at that elephant snow chunk up in the air! It’s nothing! So I think it’s picking up that there’s a herd here that is south of us!

Maybe these are two different groupings and they’re now bumping into one another! But she’s definitely picking up a smell, you see that! And she’s analyzing what is that scent that I'm picking up!

Now, the distance that they are at, they'll be able to communicate with low-frequency sound! Much lower frequencies and we can hear, so they might be talking to each other! It also could be that they're speaking up the scent of us and of Rusty—Rusty does have a little bit of a fuel smell to him at the moment, or her, should we say!

And so they might be picking up that fuel scent! It could be why they’re kind of just smelling around! But I think it’s more because they’ve picked up that there’s another herd around! And these two herds, hopefully, are going to join together! They’ll often be associated herds that do join up!

So sometimes they'll get a situation where it’s ants that have left a herd during times where conditions weren't favorable to be in a big grouping! And they then come back together again! And they join for a few days if conditions are right!

And there is a food source that is available and water that is available, then your fun—you can actually see! Look at that elephant! Snow chunk up in the air! It’s nothing!

So I think it’s picking up that there’s a herd here that is south of us! Maybe these are two different groupings and they’re now bumping into one another! But she’s definitely picking up a smell! You see that! And she’s by analyzing what is that scent that I’m picking up!

Now, the distance that they are at, they’ll be able to communicate with low-frequency sound! Much lower frequencies and we can hear, so they might be talking to each other! It also could be that they're speaking up the scent of us and of Rusty—Rusty does have a little bit of a fuel smell to him at the moment, or her, should we say!

But there’s the rest of the hood! It seems to be about nine or ten over there, and then about another twelve or so to my left-side! So it’s really good size average size hood for our area! They’re definitely a welcome sight though!

I’m like I say super excited to see them! One of the biggest things that we’ve missed over the last few weeks has been these guys! I love spending time with elephants particularly here on Duma! Because generally they are very relaxed! And we do get these intimate experiences where elephants are often all around the car! And, you know, it really just is wonderful to watch these social nuances as they move, interact with one another!

The family and the Titans unit that they form is always fascinating to watch him to observe! And so I really hope that these guys do spend a bit of time and relax with us! That we can stay here a little longer!

The sense is elephant herds won't fight too much unless we get a situation where it gets dire for water and things like that! Then you'll find they’ll compete quite a lot around the water sources! And they’ll push each other and kind of move each other off! But generally no they’re not too stressed about one another!

In fact, you’ll often find a lot of communication will take place! And they’ll come towards one another, investigate! There’ll be lots of rumbling, lots of calling! And then everyone will either go their separate ways or they sometimes even join together for a few days! If conditions are right and there is a food source that is available!

And water that is available, then your fun! You can actually see! Look at that elephant snow chunk up in the air! It’s nothing! So I think it’s picking up that there’s a herd here that is south of us! Maybe these are two different groupings and they’re now bumping into one another! But she’s definitely picking up a smell! You see that! And she’s analyzing what is that scent that I'm picking up!

Now, the distance that they are at, they'll be able to communicate with low-frequency sound! Much lower frequencies and we can hear, so they might be talking to each other! It also could be that they're speaking up the scent of us and of Rusty—Rusty does have a little bit of a fuel smell to him at the moment, or her, should we say!

And so they might be picking up that fuel scent! It could be why they’re kind of just smelling around! But I think it’s more because they’ve picked up that there’s another herd around! And these two herds, hopefully, are going to join together! They’ll often be associated herds that do join up!

So sometimes they'll get a situation where it’s ants that have left a herd during times where conditions weren't favorable to be in a big grouping! And they then come back together again! And they join for a few days if conditions are right!

And there is a food source that is available and water that is available, then your fun—you can actually see! Look at that elephant! Snow chunk up in the air! It’s nothing!

So I think it’s picking up that there’s a herd here that is south of us! Maybe these are two different groupings and they’re now bumping into one another! But she’s definitely picking up a smell! You see that! And she’s by analyzing what is that scent that I’m picking up!

Now, the distance that they are at, they’ll be able to communicate with low-frequency sound! Much lower frequencies and we can hear, so they might be talking to each other! It also could be that they're speaking up the scent of us and of Rusty—Rusty does have a little bit of a fuel smell to him at the moment, or her, should we say!

But there’s the rest of the hood! It seems to be about nine or ten over there, and then about another twelve or so to my left-hand side! So it’s really good size average size hood for our area! They definitely are a welcome sight though!

I’m like I say super excited to see them! One of the biggest things that we’ve missed over the last few weeks has been these guys! I love spending time with elephants particularly here on Duma! Because generally they are very relaxed! And we do get these intimate experiences where elephants are often all around the car! And, you know, it really just is wonderful to watch these social nuances as they move, interact with one another!

The family and the Titans unit that they form is always fascinating to watch him to observe! And so I really hope that these guys do spend a bit of time and relax with us! That we can stay here a little longer!

The sense is elephant herds won't fight too much unless we get a situation where it gets dire for water and things like that! Then you'll find they’ll compete quite a lot around the water sources! And they’ll push each other and kind of move each other off! But generally no they’re not too stressed about one another!

In fact, you’ll often find a lot of communication will take place! And they’ll come towards one another, investigate! There’ll be lots of rumbling, lots of calling! And then everyone will either go their separate ways or they sometimes even join together for a few days! If conditions are right and there is a food source that is available!

And water that is available, then your fun! You can actually see! Look at that elephant! Snow chunk up in the air! It’s nothing!

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Hi everyone! Sal Khan here and welcome to middle school biology. I have Iman Howard here who manages our STEM content. Welcome, Iman! And why should folks care about middle school biology? Biology is the study of life and so in this course, it really ans…
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(Dramatic music) [Narrator] They are nestled in the final frontier, countless worlds scattered throughout countless galaxies, challenging the notion that we are alone in the universe. Exoplanets are worlds that exist outside of our solar system. Also kno…
Wicked Laugh | Wicked Tuna
There’s your balloon ball! Get that! The wicked pissah team fell apart for a little bit, but now we’re running on all cylinders. We had a great week last week; we had a really good time. We caught two fish through at a time on the pizza. We made 16 grand;…
Pinstriping my Lotus Exige S240 for $7
What’s up? You think Mornington granted today is going to be a fun game? I’m all the ways of red clay and my God, I wore last week judgment. Lots of luck, and I got this off of eBay, like six dollars in China. What it is, it’s the final lightning pink. I …
Thoughts on the nation's report card
Hi folks, Sal here from Khan Academy. Many of you all have caught wind that the National Assessment of Educational Progress just came out, also known as the NAEP or the Nation’s Report Card, and the results were not good. They were already bad pre-pandemi…
Blockchain 101 - A Visual Demo
This is a blockchain demo. We’re gonna do this in a very visual way, though. We’re gonna make it very easy to understand by stepping through the key pieces of what a blockchain is in a visual way. But before we get started, we need to take a look at this…