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Vsauce Live Stream!

35m read
·Nov 10, 2024

[Music] [Applause] [Music] Hey, Vsauce! Michael, Cameron, Jake here and we are very glad that you are here. What's going on? Well, it's our very first Vsauce YouTube livestream! They said it couldn't be done, but actually, the technology has been possible for years. And now you've jumped on, and we're going to be answering questions today. We're going to be showing you the inner contents of our brains and our minds. Ask questions over Twitter; send them to @tweetsauce, @Vsauce2, @vsauce3 (numeral 2 & 3). There's a lovely unknown description for those. Oh yeah, yeah, perfect, easy.

And then also, Kevin is not normally this flat. He is joining us from Pennsylvania. He just is that dedicated. And we're also going to be unboxing the latest Curiosity Box, which is amazing! It's full of science, and we're going to be doing some of those experiments.

But first things first, the most asked question—I'm just going to get to it because the most asked question is, why has Michael forsaken us? Where's the video? When's the new video coming? Well, if you're watching this livestream right now, you're gonna get it! You're gonna get a sneak peek, and you're gonna get some for one, one, as the kids say. So I've been obviously doing the Brain Candy tour, taking science and Vsauce all around the country. We've got more of that coming, and while I was doing that, I was working on a whole series. I'm going to do—should I say it?—dimensions! Space, the nature of space, and the nature of how little or much of it we live in. The first episode is about Earth. We're all familiar with Earth.

And I've been doing a lot of calculations research, and I'm working with Eric, our brilliant visual effects guy, on some really cool things I wanted to show you, but we couldn't make that work, especially because the computer's so far away I can't even reach to play anything. So you'll have to just wait. My hope is that it comes out during VidCon. I've also got a really exciting Dawn episode coming out then. And you know, I appreciate everyone's patience. I am doing Dawn episodes really frequently, but the Vsauce one episodes are like my passion on a plate. It's what I've been obsessed with. It's what I've just read 12 books about, and I think it's worth it.

I think tackling subjects, even if it takes a while, takes a lot of talking with experts to make sure everything's right and everything's kind of novel, and it's not just, "Hey, I googled this, and here's what Wikipedia said." I think that's worth it. But that said, we've got the Dawn channel that's full of content, and I don't want to say too much else about the series that's coming, but you know how I did like a lot of videos about infinity for a while? Well, just you wait! I can't even tell you what I'm doing this summer, but I really hope it's going to open my mind to things that have never been seen, shown, or felt. That's all I can say.

You're also probably wondering what this box is in front of me. I'm gonna get to this before I actually get to questions. This was made by a great guy named Mitchell. He gave it to me at Brain Candy, and it's a jack-in-the-box. But what could be inside of it? Well, I'll just turn this—some music's playing, but it's kind of quiet—you might not be able to hear it. Oh, it just popped open! But I'm kind of—he's got—oh, hey! It's Michael the jack-in-the-box! How beautiful is that? Have you seen this, Kevin?

Yeah, I think there's kind of a story of my life. But let's start with some questions. The first one I want to get to came from Twitter, even before the livestream started, and the question was, "Ooh, let's just dive into—what would our channels taste like if they were actually sauces?" So, you can, you can—here's what I'd like to do. I'd like us to say what sauce our channel is that's like a real sauce.

Okay, so if there had to be a condiment—if it already exists—that was renamed Vsauce one, Vsauce two, and Vsauce three, what would it be? Who wants to start? Because I didn't prepare an answer.

I mean, I'll go for it. I'll start, and I hope I'm not stealing anyone's sauce. I would go with a nice hollandaise sauce.

Tell me why.

It's rich and creamy and satisfying, but also probably not very good for you to have a lot of. But, yeah, I just really like—I don't know, hollandaise was the first thing that came to my mind because it seemed like a little bit more of an obscure one, because no one's ever just like, "Boy, I want some hollandaise sauce right now."

Yeah, you don't really dip stuff in hollandaise; you cover things.

Yeah, hollandaise—the question came from Super Dec 64, by the way. Declan Murphy, thanks for the question! Kevin, what sauce in the real world is Vsauce two?

Well, sour! I like to kind of like hopeful messages with like a little bit of sadness. So I think you get the sweet and you get the sour. So I think Vsauce two kind of covers those two elements of the human experience.

I like that! Taste experience, really! I like that a lot because I think that sweet and sour sauce is a dipping sauce. You can do things in it, but you could also marinate things in it. So it's both exciting for a second and exciting to live in.

Okay, Vsauce one, I'm gonna say brown sauce—good old HP brown sauce. It's more common in the UK and the Commonwealth, but it's basically—people will say I'm not describing it well, but it's like a ketchup with a whole lot more vinegar, and it's brown. So it's like this very adult kind of—it tastes like—kind of tastes like maybe an old man might. I don't know. But also, it's very serious, but it's fun! Whenever I see that there's brown sauce around, I get very excited. I eat too much. And I hope that helps to explain how I feel about Vsauce—they're excited when things happen and then they go overboard, but they don't regret it.

Alright, thank you for that question, Declan Murphy! It is just ten minutes into the livestream, which means it's time for us to take out the first item from the Curiosity Box. This has been going on for almost a year! Yeah, it'll be a year next month. Tell us, Jake, about what the Curiosity Box is.

So, the Curiosity Box is something that we've been working on for a really long time, and it's a quarterly subscription box filled with science experiments, science toys, books, t-shirts, stickers—just fun things that we all really like. And what's really cool about it is that everything in here, besides the book, was created by us.

That's right! Yeah, as soon as we start writing books—like the four books a year, it'll only be our books! But these little videos are great, and I think I'll probably make them for my entire life, but they're only auditory and visual. This is tactile, and it's even smell—smell-o-vision sometimes! You can get all your other senses wrapped around science.

Yes! So take that passive experience, which is video watching, and make it something that you can share with others!

Exactly! So what I want to do is look at just one of the items first, or a t-shirt that came in the box that you can currently get at It is a mathematical t-shirt! It's my favorite of all! They talked about it!

Yeah, let's knife this open. This is the safest way to do it! This is literally how the box arrives at your doorstep! It's heavy! Yeah, and it has—oh, you probably can't see it—with cool question marks on the tape. And that's one thing we should mention, is that a portion of the proceeds from every box goes to alternative research!

That's right! Yeah, we've worked with the Alzheimer’s charities for a long time, and man, how cool has that been? And how perfect is it for the box? Like, the box is all about brain health—your brain health! We’re giving you stimulation that’s super smart, and it inspires you to explore!

But also, all the money goes, not just to Alzheimer’s charities but to Alzheimer’s research specifically. Alright, here we go! I'm going to cut this seal off, and I did additional math earlier. By the next box, we should be at a hundred thousand dollars donated!

That's amazing! Yeah, that’s amazing! Thank you guys for supporting the Curiosity Box and its cause to both put science in people’s hands and also help Alzheimer’s research! It's not just about people who are at risk or currently have Alzheimer’s; it's gonna help us learn all about all of our brains!

Here comes the opening of the box! I'll open it so that you can pretend I'm opening it. Look at that! It's an octopus named Ink, which is short for Kevin!

It is not short for Kevin! It’s actually short for inquisitive—ink-was inquisitive! There's a small version of him!

Yeah, so cute! It actually came in a previous box too!

Yeah, okay, so what is this? Right on top—Curiosity magazine!

That’s right! We write articles and things that we find really cool that you’re not ever gonna find in a video. Like, Kevin wrote about the fake rubber! If you want to steal this, screenshot now!

And that’s what you get! Okay, Jake, open the t-shirt for me!

Alright, here’s the t-shirt box. And one cool thing with these boxes was that there was an image—it's gonna change actually for the next one—but in this current one, there’s an image on every side that makes a larger image in total.

But here’s the shirt! Let’s open it up!

Wow! Mathematical!

So what’s going on here, Michael? What are we looking at?

Well, let me hold it and see if I can bring it closer to the camera.

Thickness! Emery! I'm actually wearing it!

Ah! Kevin’s wearing the shirt! There you go! What a great fit! Oh my gosh! Vsauce makes the best t-shirts! Egyptian cotton, wow!

Does the tag literally say Vsauce?

And actually, there is no scratchy tag!

Wow! We must be experts!

So this t-shirt isn't just a fun design that makes the Vsauce V, it is an example of what's called a modular times table. We've got numbers 1 through 40 around a circle, clockwise, and then each number is connected by a straight line to what it is times 4.

So the number 1 is connected to 4; the number 2 is connected to 8! There’s a line between 3 and 12, and so on. And this can continue as long as you want! If you get all the way up to 40, you can just start pretending that the number 1 is 41 and draw a new line! We didn’t need that many!

But amazingly cool shapes come out of this! And Kevin and I played around for half a day trying to find one that kind of looked like the Vsauce logo. And we found that 1 through 40 on a circle using the 4 times table looks like a V!

And Vsauce! And that's in yellow here.

And does this glow in the dark?

Oh, it doesn't glow in the dark, but future shirts might!

So anyway, what I love about it is that it's not just cool-looking! And look at the cool logo! But when people ask you what it's about, you have an opportunity to teach them the wonders of modular multiplication!

Like that's a slam dunk!

That is!

Okay, so any other comments about shirts?

Can you just—yeah, let’s just zoom in on the guy wearing the shirt for a second!

Oh! Good looking!

That’s Jake—is in the magazine a lot!

A lot of me, yeah!

There's a lot of cute fashion shots of us—if you like that kind of thing!

Yeah, Kevin’s right! The explanation is in the magazine! So what we love about the box is that it's not just physics toys and tools and stuff, but you actually get what we think is a better explanation of the items then you can get anywhere else!

Or even if you searched online for a long time!

Also, I wanted to say that I'm gonna be describing the math behind the shirt in my next video, which, like I said, will be coming out at the end of next week while I'm at VidCon! I'm very excited for that one, and I can't wait!

And it's pretty part of a series! I’ve actually written two episodes already in the series, so once the script is like where I want it to be, then I can film both. And the second one involves mirrors.

You may say, how is a mirror related to how much of Earth you can see at once?

Well, stay tuned!

Yeah, I can't wait!

Alright, now we’re gonna get to other things in the box, but the next thing I wanted to do is challenge you guys to some lateral thinking puzzles! And remember all of you out there watching, submit questions you want us to answer on Twitter @tweetsauce, @vsauce3 (numeral 3), @Vsauce2 (numeral 2), and we'll get to those after this.

But I was looking through my bookshelf this morning, and I found this book that I have not opened since I was in middle school, and it's full of riddles that require you to think laterally!

Okay—it's not like you have to do a bunch of math to figure it out. You have to dive down or up or just have to dive out and figure out what could really be meant by the puzzle.

Alright! No, I really have not opened this since I got it, so I’m just gonna randomly find one!

Okay, a man sat perfectly still for eighty-eight hours. Why?

Hmm—a man sat perfectly still for eighty-eight hours—why?

Let's see, how many days is eighty-eight hours? It's not even an integer number of days. Three hours is seventy-two, so there's an additional sixteen.

Are they all in a row? It sounds like they're in a row.

So he sat still for eighty-eight hours because—there’s eight eight hours straight?

Yeah! Oh, it does say straight! Let me make sure. No, it doesn’t say that.

Oh, wait, separately still for eighty-eight hours!

Oh, yeah! So he—it could not be in a row, so it could have just been over the course of a week or so. He sat still for that many hours.

Yeah, but why perfectly still? Like what's the—is that a clue? It's not just still but perfectly still!

Maybe he's dead!

That’s what I was thinking! But then, I don't know how long the embalming crosses, when you’re laying down.

Well, right! If he died and no one found his body for eighty-eight hours, then he was perfectly still for that time that he was discovered and moved.

Yeah! Kevin, do you have a guess?

Well, how long does that take? And also, are you trying to be perfectly still?

It takes three days!

It takes three days?

So eighty-eight hours might be in the right realm of how long it takes to get to the moon, but I've seen Apollo 13! They float around! They listen to music—they do streams with President Nixon!

Yeah, and they’re still doing the stream!

Yeah, they still—they still!

Well, do you think I should look up the answer?

I mean, let me look on Twitter to see if anyone else has some fun answers.

The riddle, by the way, is a man sat perfectly still for eighty-eight hours. Why?

Okay, now—why?

I got 48 additional industry rigor mortis!

Yeah! And I think that fits along with the—he died and wasn't discovered for—he sat there because he had a dentist appointment for eight hours each week for eleven weeks!

I think that could be a good approach!

Like, it's just that we've added up him attending, you know, an MRI appointment!

Or he could be a street performer! You know those guys that like stay in perfectly still?

Yeah, on the street, like a statue!

But this book was written like in the early 90s, so I don't know where street performers who froze were popular then!

I just didn't go out on the streets back in the early 90s because I was just a kid!

Okay, here’s the answer! The answer is—chapter four eleven. Now the answer is, oh my gosh, you ready?


The man had a nasty toothache and he went to the dentist. It’s at 5:00 p.m. on a Friday evening. The dentist's assistants, including the anesthesiologist, had all gone, and the dentist could not administer an anesthetic!

The man insisted that the dentist should operate even without anesthetic, so the dentist said that he would have to strap the man into the chair. This was done.

The dentist then suffered a heart attack and died. The poor man was left strapped in the chair and unable to move! It was a holiday weekend, and no staff reported for work until 9:00 a.m. on the following Tuesday morning—eighty-eight hours later!

And, just one, I'm getting some tweets that the audio is out of sync! Is it out of sync, Eric?

Eric! Eric! Eric is listening to and watching the livestream!

Yeah, and then he's gonna look up! We could see what the delay is!

Never again!

Sound canceling headphones on so he can't hear us, but he'll hear us in the livestream talking to him!

He still hasn't heard! He doesn't know! That's crazy!

So, while we wait for this, I've gotten a lot of questions about this. Does it ship internationally?

Oh yeah, it does! If you go to the Curiosity Box website, there’s a little drop-down menu on the right. It should show a flag, and you can just choose what country you’re sorry, yes, sir, yes.

Oh, how do we fix that?

We put me down!

Okay! So we just heard from Eric that it’s his fault! He purposefully made the audio out of sync!

And I think what we should do is just keep it the way else that is it—it’s a couple seconds!

So, I think that season! I mean, we're already 20 minutes into it, so I say we just get to the next item!

And by the way, this stream is very exclusive! Like, this is—I'm gonna live on Vsauce one forever!

So, yeah, I think it's going to just deal with the audio being out of sync!

And know that you still saw something very, very special! Because, I have a fear, which is that I'm scared that if I cancel the stream and start again, that it will just go away forever!

Exactly! Yeah, the great want page! You'll have to go to a new link!

Yeah, okay, so we can investigate! What we do is there if you want to investigate and see if we can—okay investigate!

Jake, do you want to open the next box item?

Yeah! By the way, before we do that though, I wanted to take a selfie of us doing the stream! That's how all good streams start!

Great! Okay, now go ahead and open it and talk about it; I'm gonna tweet that out!

Okay, so what do we have next? And currently, this is the one that is currently shipping, so if you want to order it, you'll get this very box!

Oh, okay, we're gonna go to one of the experiments first!

So in this box, it comes with Ink's Glow-in-the-Dark Wonderful World of Slime Kit! And it comes with two slimes—green and blue! They can make yourself! You can create your own non-Newtonian fluid, which is pretty awesome!

And I’ve already made one just for this very purpose to show off!

And we can’t really show off the glow-in-the-dark function right now, maybe, let’s see if we can—I have a black light, but it's too bright in here!

So it's not really—let's see if we can pull up!

I got that!

Let's—maybe if they get really close and put it in the shade?

Hmm, not really!

I’m really—but it looks cool! Give it a poke while you're up close!

Okay! Like an ASMR video! Look—stripping!

Well, it's only my laptop that literally might—the script for my next video is on containers! So you can keep it and just make some slime and play with it!

So that’s one of the experiments; it's really cool! There’s a little Kevin back there playing with it!

Yeah, the box isn't—this isn't someone else's slime! This is packaged as Vsauce slime!

If you open it, actually, Michael, if you want to open it, it comes with a whole entire guide about different kinds of slime—snail slime and yuccas!

What’s a non-Newtonian fluid? It kind of goes through the whole thing!

Oh, there! Yeah! So this is the booklet that comes in the box! And like I said, it’s not just, "Hey, kitchen science! Slime! Isn’t slime cool?"

It's how would Vsauce do kitchen signs in your home? Well, we would provide you with a giant book of what slime is scientifically! How animals use it! What it is that you’ve created! What glow-in-the-dark means!

It’s really, really cool! Non-Newtonian fluids—the whole thing about that!

We got a picture of Isaac Newton in there! This is a Vsauce video in your hands!

For a good cause—! Somebody even made Noah Linning made an unofficial subreddit for the Curiosity Box!

Oh, did he? I love—I love that!

But let’s go to a question! So this question—oh, let’s try—just I have a question!

Yeah, go ahead, boys!

Yeah, should we just try and—because I think what we can do—we're all gonna have problems on the ceiling!

I think if we just unscrew and start again, it will be at the same watch page!

Are you sure?

Yeah, so we could just—let's just do that!

'Cause I don’t want to—the delay is probably annoying!

'Cause they're saying it’s five seconds, and that's not very good!

Oh, it's—nah! We’ll be back in probably 15 seconds!

Maybe more like 30!

No, here I go!

So let’s start again!

Okay, it is ready!

Okay, hopefully that fixed some of the audio problems! And it is getting really hot in here!

This way—turn off the air conditioner so that the audio would be better!

And oh my gosh! I should have gotten a sweat rag!

Alright, now this is a question—I’m curious to hear what you guys think! Because we, we talk about science and YouTube a lot! We talked about memes sometimes!

This came from the subreddit Memes Economy!

Oh, yeah! And they asked, with normalization and economic bubbles happening so often with memes, what is the best way to find stable, long-term memes with good growth?

For those of you who aren't followers of the meme economy, let me explain that it’s basically a Nasdaq trading area for memes and jokes, and they rate how fresh a meme is.

Like, if you've got a whole bunch of them ready to share, are you gonna get a lot of likes on, you know, Facebook, or Reddit, or Instagram, or wherever you put them, or is it already an old meme?

Are you gonna look like you're lame? And they track the popularity of memes, and I said Nasd—yeah, but they call it Nasdaq, obviously!

The question is, what's a good way to find stable memes that are good to invest in, that will always be funny? Or at least be funny for a long time, and the bubble won't burst?

Meaning, you know, some company tweets the meme, and it completely becomes not funny and subversive!

There’s still an audio delay, which means I think they are just going to be a delay!

Yeah, okay, sorry!

So, Kevin, did you hear the question?

Yeah, exactly! So the question is— a meme will pop up, and it’ll be funny for a while, but then inevitably, you know, my mom shares it on Facebook, and then a big company does, and all of a sudden it’s not cool and subversive anymore!

I like—go ahead!

And so how do you—what makes a meme more likely to be fresh for a long time and not burst?

I think it just has to be kind of withheld within a certain zone, and not turn into a trending moment!

Yeah, no, I 100% agree!

I think that elements that make something less likely to become mainstream, like being way too niche or, you know, in a lot of cases it’s just if a meme is offensive, it's never going to be shared by companies!

It's never going to become mainstream! And I think that's been the story of human culture ever since it began! You know, like if something was too palatable to the masses, it would lose its kind of like edge!

Right, its coolness!

So let’s see! Are you guys seeing other questions coming in that you like?

Thank you Meme Economy for that! I should really do a whole video on that topic, and I’ve wanted to because there are all kinds of social theories about how long it takes for something to become lame and then come back—like beards!

For instance, beards were cool in old tiny days, but then for like my dad, a beard was ridiculous! That's what old men had!

So I grew up with the whole generation of adults that didn't have beards!

And so when I got a beard, it was like, "Yeah! Take that! I have my own identity!"

And you know, I think my kids will probably think that beards are for old people, and they'll all love shaving!

So hey, good long-term investment. Razor blades, you heard it here first!

Any other questions you want to do?

Oh, here's a good one! Gaga D asks, do you say GIF or JIF?

Good question, Kevin! You answer first!

I’ve always said GIF! I didn’t hear JIF until later, until I kind of already made up my mind that it was GIF!

So it wasn’t really an instance where I was going to say, “You know, all of a sudden switch it to JIF!” Plus, I love making peanut butter guy Jif as peanut butter!

So, I’d like to keep that in the realm of peanut butter, and GIF in the realm of, you know, animated images!

So I do know that the creator of the format said it’s pronounced JIF!

However, I go with GIF! I mean, obviously he created it, but GIF—it’s unique! It’s different! JIF, as Kevin pointed out, has already been taken!

And also, if we do want to be honest about it, it is graphical, not drown out your ethical!

So it’s still the same! Obviously, that doesn’t mean that it has to be pronounced JIF and not GIF!

But for me, GIF is what it’s most reasonable!

Yeah, you know what? I pronounce it JIF!

Oh, you—sorry, I pronounce it GIF!

And it's all for the same reasons! I am a language descriptionist, which is what people do, not what some rulebook says!

That would be a language prescription!

Standard! That the creator of the word says that it should be pronounced JIF, because they had the whole “Choosy developers choose JIF,” you know, slogan!

But here’s the thing, it became so popular that the creator no longer owns it! And that’s a sign of huge success!

You can hear this from, like, I think George Lucas has talked about this in Star Wars—like it became bigger than his own personal thing!

And all of a sudden, you realize that it’s not you anymore, but it’s you and the fans and the viewers!

And if all your viewers are calling it GIF, because JIF is what I guess—I don’t know how GIF became more common!

But you just have to surrender and say society’s chosen!

Yeah, I mean, if everyone started calling Vsauce, Vsauce I would be upset, but I would understand that if that's the common way to refer to us, then that’s the way it would be!


I’m gonna do one thing real quick. You have to move this, sister!

We’re all aware!

And move the webcam off, and this mess around with the computer and see if I can delay the video so it matches with the audio!

Okay, cool!

So for those of you who have just joined us, the most asked question is when is Michael gonna make a video?

I hate him, he has forsaken us! And that couldn't be further from the truth!

I have done nothing but work on a new series! That it's like my infinity series, but it's going to be about dimensions!

And that next video—the first video in that series should come out at the end of next week, this week, if you believe the week starts on Sunday!

I’m really excited about it, and it’s taken an enormous amount of reading!

I’ve actually written the first two videos, that's why it took so long.

I just like got so obsessed with mirror images that I wrote a whole other video! And then I was like, “Ah, but I should film.”

I’m also working on a project that I cannot tell you about until VidCon starts; it’ll be announced there, and that’s what I’ve actually been very busy with!

It's why I went to London last week to interview an amazing person! And we’re here to answer your questions!

Send them over Twitter! In fact, I'm gonna look at Twitter right now and answer the very first question that I see.

The very most recent—are you guys ready? This could be dangerous!

The newest question is: The video was already delayed! The audio came before the video!

Not a question!

The first question is: When did Vsauce start and why?

Vsauce turned 7 years old in April of this year! Seven years! I’ve made hundreds of videos! And Jake and Kevin, you guys have also made hundreds of videos!

It's almost crazy how deep that archive gets after seven years with like no break!

That's something a lot of people don't realize probably about us—that we're not like TV! Where we don't take some kind of break between seasons! You know, where we actually don’t work at all!

Not all TV shows are like that! But as soon as I put a video out, I’m working on the next one!

But it's worth it! Because every video is different, and it's always something that I'm insanely passionate about! It never feels old! It never feels like a job!

And that can be tough! Like, for my wife, who is like, “Why are you working and reading?”

And I'm like, “Well, because if I didn't have a channel, I would be reading the same book right now! But at least because I have a YouTube channel, I can build a conversation about this book and show other people all the cool things that scientists and mathematicians are doing!”

So that’s very cool!

Kevin, any questions coming in for you you want to answer now?

There was one that I think that you know we get a lot, and that's, you know, just any general advice for people trying to start a YouTube channel!

And my advice is always to just do videos about stuff that you're interested in! It doesn't make it feel like work! You know, what Michael was just saying is definitely true!

Whenever I haven’t been working on a video, it's always because I'm really excited to see what it looks like when it's done!

And it doesn't feel like a laborious activity at all! So often, I think that people get this stuff on this idea that they have to make videos that, you know, that they think other people like!

Or something when it’s really like sort of a marriage between like what you want to see!

And you know, obviously, what other people want to watch too! But at the end of the day, you really should just be talking about and working on videos that are exciting for the process and the journey and building and not just like the end result!

The end result is kind of like a present at the end that you get to unwrap and enjoy for a day or so!

But you know, for all of the time leading up to that, it’s got to be fun and exciting!

Yeah, 100% agree! There’s such a balance between making sure that people are happy that they're, you know, getting videos that they want to watch, that they expect from you!

But also, you have to evolve yourself and keep challenging yourself! Because your audience also evolves!

They're getting older! They’re seeing things! They’re getting used to things!

And if you keep doing the same thing all the time, they'll eventually move on!

You need to grow up with your audience! And sometimes that means, you know, changing up a format!

Or you know—I mean, I used to do shorter videos; now I do longer ones! 'Cause I was like, “Well, this would be a lot more difficult, so I’ll do it!”

And I love a story about Pixar and how they used that to motivate every movie they made!

You know, they made like Toy Story, and everyone was like, "That's cool! But can you do like millions of creatures moving all at once?"

And they were like, “Screw it! We're gonna do a movie about ants!”

You know? And they did it!

Like, they literally chose that topic because it was something that people said they couldn’t do!

And so that's why when someone tells me you can't show or help people visualize the fourth dimension and actually see a fourth perpendicular, I’m like, “Perfect! That'll be an episode!”

I’m spilling too many secrets about all the work that I’ve been doing and all the videos that are gonna be coming out soon!

But I’m gonna reopen this box, and I'm gonna pull something else out of it!

What do you think I should look at next, Jake?

The posters!

Alright, so here’s some coasters! And as you may have noticed, we're not using coasters today, but that's because we’re gonna wait till we unbox them!

Here’s my glass of water! These are glowing beverage coasters!

I love these because not only are they cool, but there is a shout-out to a video I did years ago!

So coasters protect your tables, but these also fill your mind!

Each coaster has an atomic symbol on it! We've got vanadium, we've got sulfur, we’ve got gold!

And still inside here we have cerium! If you put these all together, it of course spells Vsauce!

But what's really neat is that if you turn them on, they light up!

Can you see—can you see it lighting up?

Oh, pull the tab out—that’s how fresh this is!

Can you see it lighting up?

'Cause it's so bright in this room! We've got extra lights on us!

That some of the glowing properties aren't happening!

Here, the Skjold one’s working!

I don’t know if you can see, but when you put a glass down on it, boom!

It glows purple!

Yeah, so you can find your drink in the dark, and you can also appreciate the periodic table!

You can spell the word Vsauce!

This came from my video about what's the most precious metal!

And actually went to the University of Nottingham and I did experiments with all four of these elements—vanadium, gold, sulfur, cerium!

It was sweet! Those guys are so great! Brady Haran is amazing!

And I mean, thanks to him for letting me work with all of them and do those experiments!

Jake is actually, he's in the same room, but he's working on the audio delay!

So can I save your bookmarks?

Yes! My laptop is the one we’re streaming from, so you’re gonna bookmark all tabs!

Just call it like livestream save and then—

Okay! So from the LMs! Haha! Get it? Elements!

I'm gonna move on to the polymer spheres! Look at that packaging!

That is called a premium experience!

These spheres, the tiny little beads, they're made of a polymer that absorbs water like insane!

It loves the hydrogen bonds that water molecules have!

And although they’re small, I’ll actually open this test tube up so you can see how small they are!

They absorb 300 times their weight in water!

So there they are—teeny tiny little beads!

And earlier, what we forgot to put some in water overnight!

But I put some in about an hour and a half ago inside one of our glasses!

This is one of the Curiosity Box beakers, and it's full of little beads!

Okay, you can see that it’s down at the bottom there—little tiny beads!

You fill this with water, and they expand at 300 times their size!

This is what they look like after just an hour and a half!

That many became this!

They are full of water, and the clear ones have the same refractive index as water!

So if you put them in water, they become completely invisible!

Plus, you can dry these out, and they go back to the small size, and you can use them all over again! You can also squish them if you want!

I think I’ll talk about this beaker because it's in my hand!

But a beaker is one of the goals of mine is to make things that are both—tulle!

They're tools in two ways!

This one is a tool that helps you carry liquids, but it also lets you measure things!

So rather than just telling you 50 milliliters, 75, 100, we also put down some comparison—some funny unit of measurement!

So for example, if you fill it halfway up to 150 milliliters, the mug actually tells you that this is the volume of blood in the human brain!

Yes! If you only want that much coffee, you gotta get the Curiosity Box beaker!

Okay, so Jake, we're still streaming, but what are you trying to close?

All the tabs!

I'm trying to close all the tabs! Both sides is the one that we're currently in!

Oh, I just can't pull it out because I can't find—it’s so far!

I have about 203 tabs open because, like I said, I've been researching for two episodes.

I've got all the links open because it’s a little too likely through the tabs like a book, you know, or like a notebook full of ideas!

I could see the tabs getting bigger!

So this—look! It easier! Okay!

Do you think the problem is the number of tabs was causing issues with the bandwidth?

Feels better!

Yeah, because what’s gonna happen is it’s using a lot of your memory and also your CPU!

Yeah, yeah, definitely!

So if we can close all these tabs, we should get more out of the encoding software!

Alright, so here's a question that I want to get to because I had an answer prepared and let me see who it came from because I want to give to the—oh, okay! Here we’re gonna do a question from Dragon Beck’s Urn!

Stuart says on Twitter, “Which video did you enjoy researching about and making the most and why?”

Kevin, probably the video that I did about dragons! All the millions here!

War! Just because that’s something that I've always been interested in!

Like even as a kid, you know, dragons are always part of fantasy video games, you know, Final Fantasy and movies!

And once I got interested in where the origins were of that symbol, you know, it just became kind of like a—like a wormhole or rabbit hole!

That was really exciting to read about!

So there was another question on here, not workflow, and I'll just tie that into this! You know, one of the things that I do often is if I have a topic like dragons, I’ll just search Amazon for every book that I can find that has been written about dragons!

Well, in a scientific manner, you know—not just narratives!

Right, well I could just grab a pile of them and just show you!

Show a pile of the books!

I've got a pile of books over there that are related to my next episode and the one after that!

Yeah, but it’s really fun to read a book and then look in the bibliography to see other books that they read in preparation for theirs!

And then read those!

And you wind up finding that a lot of these authors are friends!

They’ve talked about things together! Or they’ve inspired each other!

And there’s no end to it! But I think you can only make a good video when you’re really well-versed on what’s happening!

And that’s why these episodes sometimes take a while!

The delay is better now!

Well, just because I’m sorry! We're gonna interrupt for a second.

It’s just because of how many tabs we had open!

I was afraid of that when we started using my laptop!

But it was the one that was just already logged in to the Vsauce YouTube!

Let me reset this up!

There's a close-up of Jake's hand!

It's a good looking hand!

Any palm readers out there, let us know!

Yep! What’s good?

So let’s do this.

You can tilt it down a little bit! Great!


Hey, welcome back!

Okay, cool!

So we can’t see ourselves anymore, but that’s because you want to be able to look at the health of the stream!

And also, part of what's going to be happening is in my mind—and this isn't factual! But I just believe it to be true—is that if we have the actual application open and running on screen, that it might use extra resources or breath because it’ll be prioritized!

And it’s the one that—so however now everything should be fine!

Eric and I just listen to the audio; it sounds a lot better!

So let us know if it's in sync now!

And now we know not to try to stream with 200 tabs open!

Absolutely, yes!

And I hope you saved all those tabs because otherwise, I might be able to make a video for another four months!

I did!

Okay! So Jake, thank you for your—and a lot of people are asking about your first Vsauce live stream ever!

Jake, while you were gone, we got a question from Dragon Beck's Urn who asked, “What was your favorite video to research and why?”

Favorite video to research and why is a great question, Dragon!

Okay, think about it! I’m gonna answer that—it’s not my next one, but my next-next one!

I've been researching it since February!

That’s how long it’s taken!

I’ve had to build things! I’ve had to reach out to people who are much smarter than me!

And I just keep adding things to it, and I’m like, “Well, should I do an hour-long video? Should I make it do 17 days straight of visual effects work for it?”

Yes! Obviously yes to both of those questions!

And generally, my answer to that question is my favorite episode is the one I’m working on right now because that’s why I’m working on it!

It’s a topic that I was like so curious about—I wanted to dive into!

And I can’t wait to understand it well enough to explain it!

That’s how I feel!

You know you’ve wrapped your head around something as well as you can!

Appease when you can explain it to other people!

And your curiosity about the topic is contagious to them!

Then you’ve done it!

You know?

But of course I wind up looking at old videos!

And now that I’ve had like some time away from it, I go, “Ah! There's a better way to have said that!” Or there's a better way to explain that!

So I think you’re gonna see a lot of callbacks and a lot of clarifications in this new one!

I’m actually investigating literally the episode coming out in about a week—I’m gonna talk about a claim that I made in my Earth is Flat video!

That Kansas is flatter than a pancake!

Well, wait a second!

The reason I’m correcting it is that more precisely Kansas is smoother than a pancake!

But Kansas is not flat because the earth isn't!

Kansas curves along with the earth!

And crazy enough, this is gonna spoil one of the facts from the video, but that's why you guys are here! You’re the livestream people, and you deserve the best!

So if you stood in the middle of Kansas, people on the west and east side of the state would be 200 miles away in each direction!

And if you could see through the earth, you would actually see them about eight kilometers below you!

That’s almost the height of Everest!

It’s like one kilometer short!

So they’d also be like tilted at a two-degree angle!

So Kansas is not entirely flat at all! It’s curved!

And it’s curved such that it’s almost like standing on top of Everest if you could see people on the other side—if you could see through the curvature of the earth!

It was transparent or something! That’s pretty neat!

Okay, so Jake, what do we do next now that you’ve made the stream perfect?

What’s happening? What’s that?

That's good! Answer another question!

Alright, so how would a Kansas pancake taste?

Well, it would taste like a pancake because it's literally just a really big, nice one!

Nicholas Meredith, how did we meet?

Ah! Yeah!

So it was on!

Is how—that’s not true!, by the way, could have been how we met! You know, it’s been around for like 20 years, apparently!

As long as I’ve been around!

Yeah, Jake's gonna be 24 this year. We’re very excited for him!

He'll be able to rent a car almost in New York!

Yeah! And how long do you guys think I am?

A lot of you probably know! I mean, I know!

I'm not gonna say, you, you—you say first!

Let’s see if people on Twitter are giving us any guesses!

But I hope we meet!

Well, we all met blowing business!

It was a staggered story!

Michael met Kevin because—

Let’s say your story, and then you can fill the blanks!

Michael was doing YouTube stuff, and Kevin was doing YouTube stuff!

And Michael saw it and was like, “This is really cool!”

And reached out to Kevin and said, “Hey, Kevin! You should do some videos for Vsauce!”

Because this is back when Vsauce was more of a gaming comedy channel, and there were multiple different hosts!


Let me clarify that Vsauce was a comedy channel.

Problem is that wasn't very funny!

But Kevin was funny!

And I was like, “Dude, you're making funny videos!”

Like literally the burst was, I was like, “Can I give you money to put up one of your videos on Vsauce?”

Like literally it was a video you would already put on YouTube, wasn’t it?

Yeah, it was an episode of Julius Blue!


The first two videos that I did for Vsauce, we just re-uploaded videos that I did on my channel that you actually intro and then re-uploaded on Vsauce!

That’s right!

How weird! Like, I would never do that today!

But back then it was like there were even fewer, you know, rules and experiences and traditions!

And then Vsauce 2 started like the same year Vsauce 1 did!

Because at the time it was a trend! Everyone had a second channel that was literally the numeral two after their name!

In retrospect, I wish that I’d called it, you know, Vsauce Green! Vsauce Blue! Vsauce Violet!

Because then they would kind of stand on their own better!

And instead, the number system makes it look like there’s a hierarchy, which there isn’t!

But Vsauce 2 was where I could do stuff that wasn't comedy-related, but was a little more educational!

That wound up working a lot better because I was better at that than trying to be funny!

And also it was hard to get access to like game footage and stuff because we weren't IGN!

We weren’t some big company that everyone knew!

And then I think it just became obvious that having one person per channel and kind of leading it from an individual’s personality worked way better!

They're called channels, but they’re not! They’re really like shows!

And if you have a lot of different formats on one channel, people get confused!

So I said, “Kevin, why don’t you just take the second channel and do whatever you want? It's just yours!”

And then Kevin and I were going to lunch one day, and we saw this homeless guy on the street!

And he said, “I really want—I can’t figure out what to tattoo on my finger!”

We said, “Well, have we got the logo for you?”

Now I’m just kidding! Tell your story, Jake!

Yeah, thanks! I started working at Google in 2011, and Michael and Kevin were also at Google!

And we just kind of became friends! And I was running a space-focused channel at the time!

That’s right, Space Lab!

Yeah! I was doing Space Lab, and we always kind of became friends as we worked in the same office in New York!

And it just blossomed!

Yeah! We should explain like, “Wait, you mean you worked at Google?”

Yeah! We literally worked at YouTube!

The long—the long story short is that when I first started making YouTube videos, I was hired by a company called Next New Networks!

And I worked on a channel called Barely Political!

And then I created Vsauce!

And then YouTube literally acquired the company, Next New Networks, and so I became a Google employee!

And they were really hands-off! They just wanted someone on staff who knew how to help advise other creators to get the most out of YouTube, to make the best content they could build audiences!

And I had a channel, so I had experience!

And as Jake and Kevin join, we became like three people who all had experience, who were all literally walking the talk!

And that was really great! I'm, you know, Google, so hands off! Like, they didn’t know what we were doing or when, and they never told us what to do!

Hey, you know, I mean they would have us help clients!

Like, they would say, “Hey, you know this person or this company’s gonna do some Olympics videos! Could you help them make them like a little more exciting or educational or surprising or, you know, whatever?”

And so we were doing that for a long time!

And then it was just last year that we all left and became independent!

So now, yeah! We have our own office! That is a Vsauce office!

Kevin has a home Vsauce office!

And he looks on the other side of the country!

And you know, after that happened, I moved back to the United States from London!

'Cause I was working for Google in London!

So that’s a really good question! I think we could probably talk about that story forever!


Should we really just write a book about it and put that in the Curiosity Box?

Alright, a lot of questions coming in now! Should we do another item?


Yeah! Take the box, Jake! I'm gonna look through some questions!

Yeah, do that one! And while you talk about it, answer this question from Sarah Nicole 9123 who asked on Twitter, “How do you decide what goes in the Curiosity Boxes?”

Okay! So that will lead into kind of this one!

So in every box, we also have a steam game for Mac and PC! So in this month, it’s called Dub Words!

And Dub Words actually had a very interesting way of getting into the box where I do a lot of work with Taco Bell!

And they have like—their program where they help game developers, indie game developers make their games and get out there and stuff like that!

So this is one of the games that was part of it! And the people who made it were so nice, and the game is so cool that we were like, “Can we just feature it in the box?”

So they gave it to us and let us put it in the box!

And it’s really cool! And this one—you basically—it’s like a top-down shooter, but it uses music as the weapon!

So it’s kind of fun! And I’m gonna scratch off the code, and whoever wants it—whoever gets it first can just get the game!

If you're the one who actually gets the game, let us know! Because I always wonder who winds up winning these kind of events!

Let me put that other one down for the free games! There’s the code!

Is it focused?

It looks like it's in focus!

So there’s the code! And there goes some really cool indie developer game! Glad to help him out!

Yeah! If you are the one person who got the code, I would recommend, you know, if you really like a game, write a good review on Steam because, you know, the better they do—that's awesome!

That's great! They're a small company—just two people—and they made this entire game themselves over the course of years!

But! So more like Michael we put stuff in the box, and Kevin—what we really, really care about?

And it's an expression of what Vsauce is, but it's ten!

Well, you can touch it; you can hold it; you can share it!

It again helps support not only Vsauce but also Alzheimer’s research!

Yeah! We are getting very close to that $100,000 donation mark!

That’s that really awesome!

Yeah, and it’s just a fun thing! And all these items are in the latest box, so you can get that!

And then it also puts you in reserve for the next box, which is going to be amazingly even better than this one!

We think it’s a massive!

Yeah! And I'm doing so many videos around it that they’ll probably sell out right away!

So you should subscribe now! Because you'll be really sad otherwise!

We only make so many of them!

Oh, where did it end?

It’s your audience!

Oh no! One spill any secrets!

Oh, because this—the software’s frozen!

This weed—you minimized it!

Okay! Yeah!

One second, gang! I’m just gonna start—was the last thing that I said?

Oh no, the audio is coming through!

That’s fine!

Okay, look!

Yeah, the video stopped, but you guys can still hear us!


So just to wrap it up—what we’re getting some questions about is the box doesn’t ship internationally!

If you go to the website, you can choose your country of origin!

And hopefully it's there! If it’s not, then there's an email that you can hit up!

But the boxes are, that we really, really care about!

And it’s an expression of what Vsauce is!

But it’s ten!

Well, thank you for being so patient!

Let’s get wrapped up!

And one more time, we’re approaching that $100,000 milestone!

And if you can’t donate this year, every dollar helps fund the research!

And Michael's working hard on getting the next Vsauce video done!

So, as always, thanks for tuning in, and thank you for supporting us!

And until next time, bye!

Now, I'm going to walk over to the computer and refrain anything and I am going!

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