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Snakes of South America | Primal Survivor

less than 1m read
·Nov 11, 2024

Huh, I thought this was one of the most dangerous snakes in Panama, the fer-de-lance, but this is not. This is a look-alike; this is a cat-eyed snake. But see those markings and see that spearhead-like shape on its head? That makes it look like a fer-de-lance at first glance, but really, this is a relatively benign snake.

And look at that! Look, you can tell—look at that swollen belly right there. You can tell it just had a meal recently. See those bumps? Those are the rear legs of a lizard, so at least one of us around here is getting some DEET.

Well, I'll let him go so it can digest its meal. But who thinks like that? Freak out, huh? This snake may not have been dangerous, but there are 26 known venomous species in Panama that are. And before setting out on my journey, I had a hard-hitting reminder of the realities of sharing this forest with them.

Wow, yeah, don't play under the sea. One morning, Carmelina was walking by the river when he was bitten on the ankle by a snake. He told me how his whole body was in pain; he was bleeding from his eyes and nose, and they wanted to amputate his leg.

Dr. Horta la pierna! Yo Alves de que ya tono. See, Ruben Lhasa lega se para yo la dia no dude. It's a miracle you're still alive! The snake that bit Carmelina was a fer-de-lance, known locally as the ex. It's one of the most dangerous snakes in the Americas and extremely common here in the Darien.

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