Bringing the Meat to Higher Ground | The Great Human Race
Can't be too greedy right now.
In the midday heat of East Africa, lions often retreat to the shade and return to their kill when the sun starts to set. This lion's gonna come back.
I wish we could take the height and everything else.
I can't get it all. No, but this Mara is important enough that we need to get her to honey.
Cut it. Yeah, we're gonna have to court this little thing. If we don't get out of here... Ah, right up! Bust it right here!
Here, 'cause there's some fewer times right here. Perfect, break away! Do it! Want to switch me? I do dive! Hey, rabbit! Gold at me!
We gotta get this higher ground! Come look! That's perfect!
It is probable that Homo habilis had an arboreal kitchen or brought their food up into the trees to eat it away from predators, so they had some safety.
Look at that! That's the marilyn! That is full of fat, full of calories! Tastes good! It's like eating butter!
Using stone tools to break open bones was a milestone for our evolution. Without the ability to hunt, nutrient-dense foods like marrow were scarce for early humans.
Scavenging the long-chain fatty acids of the marrow was instrumental to our brain growth.
This is filling. I don't need a little bit. Those tubers shouldn't do it.
This is filling my belly!
After this, almost sense of satisfactory sing in my mouth, including my teeth!
It's a great feeling! I don't think I'll need to eat again for a week.