Where No Grid Has Gone Before | Breakthrough
We don't go to them and say, hey, we've got electricity. We're going to bring it to you. We're going to bring you modern entertainment that electricity provides, no. They're coming to us and saying, we're so far off the grid, we don't have any electricity, we're using kerosene. We have to carry the kerosene hundreds of miles to our village on a regular schedule. What little electricity you have is coming from some diesel generators. It's not very efficient. It's not very healthy. Matter of fact, the fumes are damaging the insides of the monasteries and things like that.
So our bringing electricity to them is for them a dream come true. There are some landslides which happened last month, so the roads are not so good. Now in good condition. And secondly, if it rains, it can be really risky for us to even move ahead. Because if we go ahead and we get stuck in some area, we can't either go back or go forward. Oh my god, it's tough.
[music playing] What is the natural response for you when you enter a room that is not lit up? To reach for a light switch. To reach for a light switch. And that is something that these villagers have never experienced. Actually had tears of joy. Just like looking back at the caravan of vehicles that were all coming together to do this amazing thing together.