Share your career story with Khan Academy for our new series
Hi, I'm Sal Khan, founder of the Khan Academy, and I'm here to invite you to participate in an exciting project that we have around career. Our mission statement as a not-for-profit is to provide a free, world-class education for anyone, anywhere, and part of that is help people navigate their careers. What do they want to major in? What jobs do they want to pursue? What are the implications on their life in terms of finance?
This is part of a partnership that we're doing with Bank of America. We're looking for people in all walks of life, in all sorts of careers, who are willing to be videotaped and answer questions about how they chose their careers—the good, the bad, money questions, how they budget, how much they make.
My name is Tamelia James, and I'm a high school guidance counselor. My name is Eddie, I'm 26 years old and I work as a health coach. My name is Emmy Kelty, I'm 22 years old. I work as a business associate at an indoor vertical farming startup. My name is Ana Nelson, I'm 28 years old and I'm an instructional designer at a startup.
So, a health coach is a number of different things depending on the individual that we come across. It can be a motivational interviewer; it can be an exercise partner. We're not like a traditional company where I have an immediate supervisor that I get all of my work from. Currently, I make ninety thousand dollars a year. When I first started as a high school guidance counselor, I was making fifty thousand dollars.
So when I finally left graduate school, I had something like seventy-two thousand dollars of debt. If you're interested in participating, and you'd like to be on camera answering questions about where you are in your career, questions about finance decisions that you've made, please click on the link below and submit either a short video or a short written piece about what you do and why.