The 5 Step Process for Getting What You Want From Life
Like I say, you can have practically anything you want in life, but you can't have everything you want in life. So that means you have to prioritize what are the things you're going after. That has to do with the earlier part of, you know, know what you're going after that matches your nature to the path.
Okay, be clear. Do you know that? As after I, or maybe you're discovering it, but make sure you discover it. Then, when you get there, you will encounter your obstacles and problems. They will surface, so you pause and you say, "Okay, that's a problem. It's an obstacle."
And you work with somebody who's got a personality who will, and you appreciate their work. Either they help maybe do some of those things for you that need to be done, or maybe they help keep you on track or something. Then you will have a design that will work.
And then, if you take that design, so many people form designs but they don't follow through and don't do it. So step number five is: do it.
Okay, do it. And then you do this on an ongoing basis. That's why I have these loops. You know, all the books and everything have these loops because that's what evolution is like. You learn something, and then it starts to fail, and you start to fail. And then you reflect, and then you learn something, and you do it differently. And then you go up to a new higher level.