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Success is a 5 Step Process

2m read
·Nov 8, 2024

If you want to succeed, understand the five-step process. What I mean by the five-step process is first, you need to know your goals. That means you need to prioritize and find out what do you really want and what are you going after.

On the journey to those goals, you're going to encounter your obstacles, your problems, and so on. So, step two is to encounter those and don't tolerate those.

Then, number three: what are those impediments? Get to the root cause of why you're not getting to your goals. Is it weaknesses that you have, or impediments of others? Step number three is to diagnose and get at the root causes of those.

Step number four is to then, once you have that diagnosis, design a way to get around that. A practical way to get around that. Maybe you have help that you need in some area.

Then, when you design it, you have to go to step five, which is to do it. In other words, a lot of people come up with a lot of designs, but they don't then follow through and implement those designs.

Everybody who does that will move toward their goals and succeed, and those who are failing fail at one step or another. So, observe yourself. What is it that's causing you to fail? Is it, for example, that you don't follow through on the things that you need to follow through on, or that you don't accept the barriers and deal with the barriers?

Anyway, that's the five-step process. If you get in the habit of doing it, you'll do it all the time, and I guarantee you that you'll move forward toward your goals.

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