TIL: How to Play Matchmaker for Beautiful, Endangered Birds | Today I Learned
Make fun, cringe! I'm monogamous. When a cup of cranes is together, they are likely to stay together for the rest of their lives. But unfortunately, in my country, Wanda, most of the cranes are hunted and sold to people. They won't have the mini captivity in their houses and hotels, and this means a huge number of cranes do not get a chance to choose the right partner.
We have started this program where we are working with people who have friends in a garden, and they are giving us those cranes back here to refine them to their natural habitat. We do continue to make sure they are healthy because we mix cranes from different houses. We've seen some eloquent like starting to bond.
Cranes, like people, need to choose a partner. It's a long process. Cranes will start a series of calls, and then they start bobbing their heads up high. They will start doing a lot of jumping. They jump in there and they call together. So, in some cases, they will just fall in love on the first date.
Oh, they have to try others before they find the right one for life. [Music]
So, our project is giving a second chance to those acquaintances that were once in captivity to choose the right partner and contribute to the wild population of grape farm cranes by breeding and producing some chicks.