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Morgan Freeman Decodes the Mark of the Beast | The Story of God

2m read
·Nov 11, 2024

I've come to the biblioteca Kasana 10z near the Vatican to meet an expert in early Christianity.

Campaigns it--some she tells me she has compelling evidence that reveals the identity of the beast.


Good morning, so what exactly do we have here?

Well, I've been looking at some fragments of the book of Revelation.

The book of Revelation?

That's right, the book of the end of days.

The end of days, the apocalypse?

It's a prophetic book; it's got loads of symbolism, but it's also very much a political book and making a political claim about the cause of evil.

The cause of evil or who's responsible for evil?

So tell me about this coating, because as I understand it, the Anti Christ was given a coat so they would never call his name; they would just say it, right, cold?

Well, there has been a lot of debate about what this number in particular, 666, who it refers to.

There has also been a strong argument made for 666 referring to Nero.

Nero was emperor of Rome from 54 to 68 AD, around the time when the first Christians began to arrive in Rome.

So how do you make six-six-six translate to Nero?

When you apply numerical values to the name Kaiser Naren, and you add up those numbers, you come to 666.

In ancient Greek and Hebrew, every letter had a corresponding number.

If you add up the letters of the name for Emperor Nero written in Hebrew, Kaiser neuron, the total comes to six six six.

But Nero is just one of many names that can add up to 666.

Kim believes a later copy of the book of Revelation found in an archeological dig in Egypt confirms the beast is Nero.

One of the interesting things about these fragments is that we've got two different numbers.

What are those?

Letters a Cree is a 600; xc60, Sigma a six six six six.

This one over here we have a key Yoda Sigma six one six with a line over the top.

Why is it different?

I think that this number destroys the possibility that it could be Nero.

Yes, what's striking about this is that it may help to confirm the identity of Nero because this would be the number that we would get if we spelled Nero according to the Latin spelling, narrow Kaiser, without the end.

The letter n represented 50, the number 50, so six 66-56, six six.

So we've just subtract and when Quentin come up with six one six, and we have the same guy.

That's right, I'm so clever.

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