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Terlingua's Turning Point | Badlands, Texas

2m read
·Nov 11, 2024

About 1881, Sierra Blanca was where the major railroads met and fought. There’s only one route to get from the rest of Texas to El Paso, so Texas Pacific raced through the Southern Pacific. Whoever got through the pass first would control the route to California. The Southern Pacific, with a crew of Chinese, was behind schedule, so they bought a trainload of whiskey and shifted to the Texas Pacific. Now the Texas Pacific crew was made up of Union soldiers, and they had spent two to three weeks getting drunk while the Chinese laborers built a railroad in Sierra Blanca.

Sierra Blanca is where the ownership of the second transcontinental railroad was decided. Today, it's a crossroads for a man's life. Oh, we pulled in here at 8 o'clock this morning, and it's going on 8:30 now, so it's been a long day. We all went back into the courtroom thinking that we were about to be given the verdict, and everyone sat down. Then the judge came out, discussed with the attorney something upfront, and then turned to us and said that everyone needed to leave the room because a jury would need to come out and look at the previous evidence.

Tony's overalls, his boot, the mesquite tree that was used as a weapon—a lot of people don't realize it's actually here, it's no longer Outlaw Kiba. And then, of course, I figured this would come into play: his written statement, his testimony. He said something totally different, so I can see where there might be a little bit of confusion with the jury, and they may need to read both, both, both again.

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