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Neil and Larry on Pluto and Dinos | StarTalk

2m read
·Nov 11, 2024

What is the deal with Pluto right now? Is it a planet or not?

Get over it. It's not. No, it's not. But why is there so much haterade at Pluto? Why can't it be a planet anymore?

So do you know that our moon is five times the mass of Pluto? So you're hating on the planet because it's small. You know, size really doesn't matter in the universe.

Size matters, that's true. I'm sure it does. Do you know that Jupiter, mhm, is more bigger—more bigger than Earth, uhhuh, than Earth is compared to Pluto?

I, as an Earthling, I'm not going to say Pluto's too small to be a planet. Right? If I invoked that, anybody who lives on Jupiter would have a more justified reason to say that Earth is not a planet.

Do you think, uh, life could be on Jupiter?

Yeah, the moons are awesome places, uh, like Europa.

Yeah, that's one of them.

Yeah, Europa sounds awesome. You got frozen, uh, thing and got the water underneath?

I a little bit. We're having some science talk now, but that's how we do it, yo.

I keep joking about this, 'cause I don't know what else you would call it. If you find life on Europa, you'd have to call them Europeans.

I would agree with you.

Yeah, that's, there's no choice. They would be true Europeans.

True, true, not Out of Africa European. That's fake European.

But, uh, would it be a—no, I'm doing—am I on your show? I want to know about Europa.

Europa sounds so interesting to me.

Do you think you could have, like, big life in Europa, like a dolphin just jumps out of the water, something that big?

So here's the thing: everything we know about life—you can't have no life on a planet and the only life be something this big.

Well, maybe it's the only life that you find or that finds you—because obviously it's hostile and aggressive.

I got you, but you have to have come from some other life. You can't just have life this big and no life that's half that size and no life that's half that size and no life that's half that size.

You can't just have a planet of whales and nothing else.

What about the dinosaurs though? They were pretty big.

The big ones are big, but there are little dinosaurs too.

But nobody makes movies about them 'cause they don't chase you down and bite your head off.

Yeah, that's how that plays.

So I miss the dinosaurs. We got 'em here.

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