xCode Lesson 2 (Write The Code)
Matt: "Kids 101 here! Today this is an X good lesson too. So right here I have my Xcode project we started in Xcode lesson one called Hello Taco. Right now we've just designed the interface, and it looks like this.
So first of all, to start putting in code, we go to Action, add new file, then under Cocoa, Objective-C class. Then we click Next, and then we take the file name. I'm going to call it code, and we have to leave the damn there. And then, yeah, so it'll come out somewhere in some folder. So you just want to click it and drag it into, say, Classes.
You want to click and drag it into Classes, and then you want to click Code.h and just start editing it. I'll just double click it to bring this up. Then, in Code.h, you want to type the following code:
@ib outlet
I'll make this get bigger and I'll put this code in the description. So I'm right here. I'll just, um, @ib outlet space NS text field. And don't even try to guess the capitalization on this space star. And then I'll type, um, let's just call it mainTextField. Then have a semicolon. And then, so that's then we hit under another @ib outlet space NS text field space star. And then we're going to call this nameLabel and then have a semicolon.
Ok, and now under the curly brace on the line before the @end, we type - (IBAction). I’m taking that will point out that all this code is in the description. Then close parentheses, and then I'm going to say, um, buttonClick: and then another open parenthesis, ID, close parentheses, and then I'm going to type sender. Then we put a semi colon and we press Apple has to save. Ok, and I'll close that.
So now I've typed that code in Code.h. Let's just build and go. So still the same. So now we want to go up to Hello Taco, open the MainMenu.xib again, and then on our window, first of all, we want to go back into Library, find the thing that looks like a little blue box called NSObject, drag that into the window with all the files in it.
And then in the Attributes Inspector, we click the little I information thing, and then we set the class to be the name of the class we made. I called it code. Now we save that, hit enter.
Now first of all, we click Control and keep on holding Ctrl and drag it up to here. I don't even click mainTextField and I can click hold Ctrl and drag it over this label that says name in it. Let go, and we're going to call it nameLabel. So we click nameLabel and then we click the Go button, hold Control, drag it down to Code. Let go, then click buttonClick. Ok, so now we've tied in all the codes, and we are officially done with Interface Builder.
Now let's edit Code.m. And then here we want to type - (IBAction) buttonClick: just the same name as the other one, colon, (id)sender;
Or no semicolon. Finally, hit enter. We do an open curly brace, then we hit enter. I'm gonna do a close curly brace. In between those curly braces, I made another line.
So what we're going to do in here is we're going to type [nameLabel setStringValue:[mainTextField stringValue]]; semi colon. And then, yeah, so now we can save our clock to File, save. Now let's build and go. Right here, I'll type, my name is Dave.
It goes, and it says, 'my name is Dave.' I tagged Alex in the color, and it says, 'Hello Alex Nickel.' So this is effectively useless, but it's cool.
We could also go into Product folder, grab HelloWorldApp, copy that by pressing Apple or Command C, click this, then Command V to paste right here. It's on my desktop. This is the final application, so now you can send this to anyone we want.
So this is the application. So, that's how to make a simple Hello World application. Thank you for watching, Mad Heads on our one, subscribe, and goodbye!"