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Constructing scatterplots | Representing data | Grade 5 (TX TEKS) | Khan Academy

less than 1m read
·Nov 10, 2024

We're told that Kendrick drinks juice while he drives to work each day. He recorded the amount of juice he drinks in milliliters and how long, in minutes, his drive took. For his drive this week, he recorded this for five days.

So, they give us a little table depending on how much juice he drank in a day and how long his drive took. I wonder if there's a relationship—that'd be a little bit strange. But what we want to do here is draw a scatter plot where we have time on the vertical axis and juice on the horizontal axis.

So let's do that together. The first point right over here: time or juice is 175 milliliters and time is 13. So what we want to do here is go to 175 in terms of milliliters of juice and then 13 minutes in terms of time. So, that would be a point right over there.

I'm just going to keep doing that. Next, we have 250 and 6, so we would go to 250 and then 16. Then we have 150 and 20—150 and 20, which is right there. Next, we have 125 and 12, so that is 125 and 12—this point.

And then, last but not least, 225 and 4—so 225 and then 14. And we're done! We have just constructed the scatter plot for that information.

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