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Down on Luck | Wicked Tuna: Outer Banks

2m read
·Nov 11, 2024

Perfect time to catch the blue fin. Oh, oh, there's some tones over there! They're coming this way. Looks like a pretty good pot of them too. Dear Jesus, please God, let us get a fish right now. We are desperate to get some more meat on the boat.

We've only caught one blue fin so far this season, and that's just not enough for this crew to survive on. We're going to have to stack this deck as fast as we can before time is up.

All right, come on, F. This is exactly the water we want to catch in, so let's see if Jesse can jig it up. Come on, baby! That could be a tuna. It's possible! It's possible that could be a tuna right there!

Come on, we need tunas! There's another one, there's another bid! Mark got yellow in it! Come on, God, let that be a tuna. All right, fish on! Fish on! Fish on! Fish on! Fish on! Got him! Got him! Got him! Taking line, taking line!

All right, H, we got a fish on! We got to get a bird out of the way. We don't want two lines to get together, 'cause if two lines get together, they're going to chase. Go ahead, go ahead, Craig! Tammy, we need this!

F, take it line! Take it line! Come on, come on, you do it! CRA him up! Come on, I need a new truck! I see leader, got collar, collar! He's coming up! Get the heart pin!

I think that'd be a shark. It's a shark! He's tangled around! Let me get my gloves on! He's tail WR... oh, what a mess! Uh, moo! Rose and rows of razor shark teeth! They're dangerous!

This is the last thing we need right now is a shark! I was really hoping it was going to be a blue fin. Got it!

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