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15 Best Books On Selling

7m read
·Oct 29, 2024

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Holloway Lectures and welcome back! So happy to have you with us for another fantastic book club video. It's awesome you love these videos so much, and it's a delight seeing so many people wanting to improve, wanting to be smarter, better, and reach a whole new level of awesome.

Today, we’re taking a look at the best collection of sales books currently on the market. Sales is an incredibly lucrative industry that keeps on soaring to new heights and becoming more and more profitable. The act of selling means offering your goods, services, or expertise in exchange for money or commodities.

Whether you’re starting out or already a pro, there’s never a time when you know too much or enough. Times keep changing, technology advances, and there’s never been a better time to create a fantastic life for yourself from sales. With that said, let's hop in and take a look at the best books on selling.

Number one: The Greatest Salesman in the World by Augmentee. We're gonna start off strong here and give you a classic, which serves as a guide to success and a philosophy of salesmanship for any young aspiring salesperson. Mandino helps the reader to discover the constructive why behind selling, reframing it from an act of manipulation to something that can help you achieve your dreams. The book revolves around how a poor camel boy who aspires to a life of success ultimately succeeds in achieving what he wants.

Well, if this book sounds like something you’d gain a lot of value from, you can find it in the link in the description or you could go to a slash a free book and sign up to get it for free, thanks to the great folks at Audible.

Number two: The Psychology of Selling by Brian Tracy. If you’re in sales, regardless of what level you’re at—novice or seasoned pro—this book has something for all of you. It’s a guidebook full of practical ideas, strategies, and techniques that can be applied in any market to increase your sales faster and easier than ever before. Brian Tracy said his promise is prosperity to everyone and anyone who reads and applies what he teaches.

Number three: Way of the Wolf by Jordan Belfort, the Wolf of Wall Street. If you saw the movie or know Jordan's story, you probably anticipated this one being on the list here. Belfort, for the first time, opens up and reveals his entire system which he used to amass incredible wealth for himself, his clients, and his sales teams. By the end of this book, whatever your background or career prospects, anyone can benefit from the enclosed tips and secrets that Jordan Belfort learned in his prosperous and ostentatious career.

Number four: The Challenger Sale by Matthew Dixon and Brent Edmondson. The authors of this book argue that building a close relationship has become a losing approach, especially when it comes to selling complex business-to-business solutions. The Challenger Sale takes you to the core of sales and flips the fundamentals upside down, focusing on being an advisor and helping your clients toward bettering their lives through new solutions for each and every sale.

Number five: The Ultimate Sales Machine by Chet Holmes. Everyone with an inclination towards the sales career or thinking of acquiring some sales skills can find in this book at least one way to improve every aspect of their business. It’s a compact gem with potentially life-changing principles that are entertaining and exciting to read.

Number six: New Sales Simplified by Mike Weinberg. Combined with a little humor, New Sales Simplified provides the reader with great formulas in terms of prospecting, social media, closing deals, and so much more. Also, Weinberg tests that all you need to create a very proactive sales team is to follow the framework he provided and success will come in leaps and bounds.

Number seven: To Sell Is Human by David H. Pink. Here is an author that dispels all the outdated sales stereotypes and takes a fresh approach on modern sales and sales psychology. Everyone who wants to improve their interactions with clients and prospects should definitely consider giving this book a read. Pink provides you with valuable knowledge about understanding another person's perspective, how to be more persuasive, how to make other people more receptive to what you’re saying, and much more.

Number eight: The Secrets of Closing the Sale by Zig Ziglar. A timeless classic that holds within its pages evergreen techniques for getting you positive responses and closing deals. For those of you engaged in sales, whether you’re presenting a product, an idea, or a service, Ziglar's book is vital for your success in the industry. It’s full of real-life entertaining stories that illustrate Ziglar's principles, which are easy to grasp and apply in your business. We definitely recommend this book for everyone, not just to those in the sales industry. For only $13.51, you can get it from the link in the description or, thanks to our partners at Audible, you can now get the audio version for free by going to a slash free book and signing up using the code A Lux.

Number nine: Pitch Anything by Oren Klaff. Pitching is one of the most crucial parts of a sales process. If your pitching isn’t at least good, everything might go sideways for you. Oren Klaff provides his methods for making truly great pitches that can improve your career, your finances, and possibly even your life. The blueprint outlined in this book can be applied immediately to engage and persuade your audience.

Number ten: Sell or Be Sold by Grant Cardone. We just had to include one of Cardone’s books in this list. Sell or Be Sold gives the reader a fresh perspective on selling and can be very constructive to adopt the techniques and philosophies to all aspects of our lives. Grant Cardone says that in life we are either selling or being sold to. It’s crucial to know the dynamics of both and how to be in control. If you want to know more about this incredible guy, check out our video 15 Things You Didn’t Know About Grant Cardone by clicking in the top right corner.

Number eleven: SPIN Selling by Neil Rackham. SPIN Selling is the best book to learn how to do record-breaking high-end sales at top performances. It'll greatly improve your sales pipeline with simple-to-understand and follow methods. If you’re in the sales industry and you've yet to read this book, we think it's wise to make it a priority.

Number twelve: Exactly What to Say by Phil M. Jones. This author made a fantastic point when he said the only thing separating two sales people is their ability to put their offer in two exact words to make it count at the right time. Phil Jones infuses the pages of his book with the exact formula for presenting your services to people that need them, making in the process more sales, more money, and a life full of abundance.

Number thirteen: Little Red Book of Selling by Jeffrey Gitomer. It's short, sweet, to the point, and holds the answers to all the questions that a newbie or a pro might pose at one point in their sales career or another. Gitomer distilled all the complex information from the sales world into this book, which will help you get your feet into more doors than ever before.

Number fourteen: Expert Secrets by Russell Brunson. Here's a book that not quite focuses on selling; it's geared more toward marketing, but it packs an invaluable amount of sales advice which everyone doing sales should master. Russell wrote this book with the intention to help you sell your advice, create a mass movement, and get your online business up and running in the shortest time possible. He firmly believes the impact someone else's expertise or products could have on someone else's life is immeasurable.

Number fifteen: Fanatical Prospecting by Jeb Blount. Here is a great manual for learning an innovative approach to prospering that maximizes your efforts and avoids dead ends. Jeb teaches the reader how to prioritize prospects and keep the pipeline full of opportunities by leveraging channels from multiple platforms. He also explains the number one reason for failure in sales and why people keep falling for it.

Well, A Lux, that’s a wrap! But before you go, we’re curious: Are you in sales? Do you think any other books should be on this list? Let us know in the comment section below, and as always, for sticking with us until the end, here's your bonus book.

Number sixteen: How to Win Friends and Influence People by Dale Carnegie. Some of you might have even read this book, but we had to include it because it's a classic and has helped so many people become better at sales and be better people in general. This book provides timeless insights on how to get people to like you, what to do when you encounter different personalities, and many other interpersonal skills that all salespeople should learn to master.

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