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Go with what you can get started on most quickly. And get that first user.

less than 1m read
·Nov 3, 2024

Here's a question: I have lots of startup ideas. How do I choose the one to work on?

Uh, common problem. There's too many choices; there's lots of choices in the world. You don't know what to focus on.

You know, there's different algorithms you can use. One is, what's the one you could get started with most quickly? What's the one you could get a first customer with most quickly?

A lot of ideas you can kind of filter out just because they're impossible to get started with. Like say, oh, I want to build a space exploration company but I don't know anyone and I don't have any money.

Um, that's going to be hard. And so, to the extent there's ideas that you can choose that are much easier to get going with, I would recommend that.

And even if you're not sure you will stick with something, I would just recommend forcing yourself to launch and get at least one user.

Um, because then you could see you completed the full rep. I see too many folks start an idea and abandon it before even getting a single user, and I wouldn't really recommend that.

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