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What is Khanmigo moderation? | Introducing Khanmigo | Khanmigo for students | Khan Academy

2m read
·Nov 10, 2024

In this video, we're going to see how Kigo can sometimes moderate the conversation in an attempt to protect you, the user. Sometimes it gets it right, but sometimes it gets it wrong. What do we do in those situations?

So, let's say we want to write a fantasy story together with Kigo. It says, "Do you have any initial ideas for the setting or characters? How about the first two sentences to kick off our tale?" I want to get a little bit dark pretty quick. I say, "There was a super evil villain who wants to kill everyone."

So, we got this very interesting note here: "This conversation was unable to be processed. Please review our community guidelines link to learn more."

What's going on here is the user didn't have bad intent, but this is a pretty dark way to start a story. We want to put safety first, especially if we're using an AI in a classroom setting. The AI is saying, "Hey, we're not going to be able to continue with this conversation."

I'm sure if I started with, "There's a super evil villain who wanted to take over the world," it would have been okay. This one isn't horrible. I'm not a bad person for writing this down, but the AI in this situation is not sure.

What it's doing is not allowing us to go with this conversation. If you're using this in a classroom setting, it will notify your teacher. Now, to be clear, that does not mean that you are in trouble in some way. This is just a way for the teacher to know what's going on.

It's completely possible in this example you weren't trying to do anything bad. You weren't trying to have an inappropriate conversation, but it still triggered the AI moderator.

Now, there are other situations where a student might try to have an inappropriate conversation, trying to learn how to do things, or use words that are just very not appropriate for a classroom setting or just not safe for themselves or others.

Then this type of moderation and the notification to the teacher can help. The teacher can then say, "Oh wow, I'm glad I knew about this. Let me take some action based on it."

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