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Home Chandalar Home | Life Below Zero

less than 1m read
·Nov 11, 2024

[Music] On a clear day, you can see mountains all across the horizon. Down there, big mountains. Can't see anything down there now. What about just getting over to the flats though? That might be a little tricky.

Yeah, I can uh get over these next couple ridges, get across the river, then [Music] up. Look a lot better up ahead. It's time for me to get headed back to the Brooks Range. It's about a 60-mile walk from the nearest road, 200 miles from town.

I live out here 'cause I just feel really well living out in the mountains like this. This is my favorite place in the world. There's this veneer of civilization that's weighing people down, and there's something inside waiting to get out. You get out here in the woods, and you can live it. You can get as primal as you want to get.

It's different out [Music] here. Touchdown! We made it; we're here! Look at this. Looks like I went straight from fall to winter. There you are, okay Miles. Thanks a lot for the Glen.

Sure, have a good flight back. Thanks! I love it when that plane takes off and I just hear it disappearing into the distance, and I'm all alone out here.

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