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Mr. Freeman, part 58

2m read
·Nov 11, 2024

Yes, indeed. You are right. I really think that you are the one who got the message. But why do I look at you like you're a piece of shit? Hmmm... But do YOU look at people differently? Relax, my friends. I understand everyone.

Here's one who wanted to be a musician but instead grows office bedsore on his ass. And she wanted to become an actress, but fake orgasms are her only role and the kitchen is the only stage of hers. So, what is the result? One third of your life to sleep, one third to EAT, LOL & SHIT and the rest for hating your beloved job. You see, you could be something more. What happened to your dreams? Stay cool, don't piss yourself, my dearest ones!

We're all the same. Each one by himself is the human from the capital letter. But now there are already two of us and one is already a shit. Each one looks at another eagerly looking for defects. HAHAHA! He still lives with his parents! HAHAHA! She's pregnant and he's getting married. HAHAHA! Look at him! His car is a piece of crap! And she's got no tits. And LOOK! That moustache of hers! You hate and despise each other! And this mutual hate is the only thing making you the whole.

I'm smart and they are all jerks. I'm an honest man surrounded by swindlers. I'm a genius, they are cattle. Queers around and I'm James Dean! But if everybody stinks, consider maybe that it is you who just crapped pants?! Still surprised why you're still being raped in this highly social manner by all these paranoid government, zombovision, asslickers...

OK, how would YOU treat a herd of cattle where everyone thinks that there are only morons around??? How in the world is it possible to make you see yourself in others, to make you finally say US instead of ME and THEM? Didn't they explain to you that "Mon-Fri, prime time, on the main channel"? You were told to feel unique, be different, right?

So, keep up, be original. Win the deepest bedsore trophy in your department! Get an Oscar for the best fake orgasm! Fuck up your business partners and steal their money! Cut each other's throats while arguing about the one who comprehends Freeman! Well, did your Collective conscious get the message? Or are you still the chosen one?

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