Men wrestle 8 point deer to save its life (buck)
Hey, bring the chainsaw back, huh? Bring the chainsaw back! You want to? Let's both get over here and try to hold him.
When you think about environmental conservation and sustainment, you probably don't think about deer hunters, or that's where you'd be wrong. These two hunters are members of an organization called the Quality Deer Management Association. They work with land owners, local law enforcement officials, and other sportsmen to manage the local herd and habitat. Here, they came across a deer that was tangled in some vines. Priority one is to save the deer's life, but secondarily, a cornerstone of QDMA is to monitor the herd for a scientific feedback loop to determine movements and locations of deer populations.
Got one of you going. Put one here. Hey, he ever falls! And holding down, there's on wide open! Easy! Got him! Now down here in the Deep South, you might be shocked by our deep southern draw and crazy accents. But in a world of talkers, we're thinkers and doers. The current media environment has everyone worried about conservation, but it takes a person to go out into a field and get their hands dirty to actually do it.
Easy, easy! Run him around this way to look. Can hit lay easy! Come on, hold! Don't let him flip over. If he flips over and starts kicking, how you me? What, me? C! I can't hold him if he ever falls down. We got to hold him down! Don't cut her hand! What? Oh, broke it out of his skull! Next, he might... he [Music] might... it's all stand on the same size when he does get ready to go. Of course, he's footed it, but on that hole, no, it's been up in.
We got it! B! Let me hold it down, but he been here a couple days, and he has really... here, I sure you ain't cutting the amp when you trying to... lost a lot of... it's just a miracle I found... was he thash? I just start La B. What you think you can get out that? Me? I think I get out that. It's too weak. We get him over in this open, he might bed down for a minute, rest up.
Let's just leave him be back! Let's just leave him be! A righteous man cares for the needs of his animals. Woo! It's too big there! It [Music] went.