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How to Improve Your Life in 24 HOURS

3m read
·Nov 8, 2024


If you've ever browsed self-improvement forums like on Reddit, then you'll often come across some pretty good advice, some pretty questionable stuff—no doubt. But every once in a while, there's a little nugget of wisdom that sticks with you, and one of my favorites of all time is this: do your future self favors.

It's simple, effective, but a lot of us don't do it very often. But that's dumb because if you think about it, you currently are your past self's future self. Don't you wish your past self did some more things for you? Like, saved some more money or kept up with the laundry, so that you'd have some clean clothes to wear today?

If past you could have just buckled up, dealt with a little bit of discomfort, and took care of business, then your current life would be a lot better because of it. But for a lot of us, this rarely happens because we don't actually think of our future self as the same person. In fact, studies have shown that when thinking of our future self, the same part of the brain lights up that does when we think of other people.

So, our brain literally processes the idea of our future self like some other more motivated person who doesn't mind taking care of all the little crap we don't currently want to deal with. Never really cluing in to the fact that soon enough this imaginary future life will eventually just be our life.

So if you don't want the things in your life to get progressively worse, stop doing that. Stop shooting yourself in the foot and start getting things done now. Start doing things right now that you know you should do— even little things. If your garbage is full, take out the garbage. If you have an annoying email you have to write, write it. When that one little errand you have to run pops into your mind, again go do it.

Because this list of responsibilities you have isn't actually endless; you're just making it endless by leaving it to your future self all the time. When you start dealing with tasks the minute they pop into your head, then you won't have to deal with them ever again. And once you finally complete that list, why stop there?

Do your future self some more favors. Why not choose the outfit you're going to wear tomorrow, or iron all your dress shirts so that when you need to go run off to a job interview randomly and unpredictably, you'll be good to go—no sweat.

Next time you buy a chocolate bar, buy another one and keep it in your cupboard for when future you has a really bad day and you really just need a chocolate bar or something to lighten up the spirits. You get the idea—make life awesome for future you, because eventually that'll just be you.

By constantly doing your future self favors, you're setting yourself up for success and gradually trending your life in an upward direction. If you liked this video, hit that like button. If you like videos like these in general, hit that subscribe button.

Also, leave a comment because I respond to every comment. I love seeing comments and just discussion in general is great for the channel, and I want to hear from you—it's a win-win-win.

Also, follow me on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter; there are links in the description for all those things. Also, consider supporting me on Patreon. You'll have access to my weekly video series that I post just on Patreon. Also, if you want to see me get slapped in the face by my roommate in slow motion after I yell out your username, that's also a Patreon reward, so check it out.

Either way, I hope you have an awesome day. Thanks for watching! Remember to leave a comment, and I'll catch you in the next video.

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