Swap The Vice President #shorts #new
Is Biden going to be the nominee or not? I believe he will be. The only chance to change the ticket to make it stronger to the Independents is to swap out Harris, the Vice President, who is probably the most unpopular Vice President in history.
Can't it happen? Well, it could if he doesn't want to go. I don't see how they're going to kick him out. Bring in Gretchen from Michigan; put her in the VP position. Right now, the polls don't look good, Stuart, and if you're a Democrat, you're saying, "What can we do outside of just removing Biden? Bring in a Vice President that people want to vote for."
If you have concerns about his longevity, bring in somebody that you would vote for as President that's not Harris. Okay, we can argue out. I think I've done a great case in arguing this idea.
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