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First Day of Medschool-First Year of Medical School

3m read
·Nov 25, 2024

Hi guys, what's up? It's me, Judy! You are currently watching the first episode of Med School Diaries. I decided to create a series about my medical journey. Today is the first day of med school as a first-year math student.

Because of the pandemic, I'm doing online school now. My university is in Turkey, but I'm currently in Japan, staying at my grandparents' house. I break out quite a lot; I guess there are two reasons behind that. The first factor is stress, and the second is hormonal issues. My goal is to get enough sleep to have a balanced school social life and be generally productive.

I'm half Japanese and half Turkish. I was born in Japan, but I grew up in Turkey. I'm planning to pass as much as possible while I maintain my healthy lifestyle. I guess it's enough; let's go back to the video. I don't think that I will be wearing makeup for online lectures because I'm lazy, but for the sake of the video, let me wear a bit of makeup. I brushed my teeth, then I took off the thrush because I'm a good girl.


The university that I'm attending is 50% English and 50% Turkish. We have today an English exam, and in order to start from the first year of medical school, you have to pass the English exam. If you cannot pass the exam, then you have to do one year English prep course, and I don't really want to do it.

I went to high school one year longer than other high schoolers because my high school was sort of a German international high school, so we had one year German prep course. I'm currently 19 years graduated from high school, and if you consider the fact that med school is six years, when you put the English prep course, it's going to be like seven years.

I went five years to high school and then seven years of med school; just like 12 years is just too long for me. I can speak fluent English, but I'm not really sure about my grammar skills. I'm pretty bad at English grammar. The exam is at 4 PM, so I have a quiet time until then. I'll be doing some housework, and I will also be studying, reading, and being productive generally.

I'm also currently waiting for my SD card. Yesterday, I bought a Sony camera, but I forgot to order an SD card, and so I'm currently waiting for it. I took the English exam; it was not hard, so I guess I passed the exam, even though the exam results are not available, and we're not divided into prep courses.

In the first year, we had some lectures, which I think is pretty weird. I guess the pandemic messed up the curriculum plan. We had medical history, basic first aid, and other lectures. If I pass the exam and become a first-year med student, I will have eight lectures every day. Isn't it fun?

I don't know how I will manage my time, but we'll see. Let me show you my iPad Pro setup! I will film more iPad Pro-related videos if you want. Then I had more lectures. It's quite hard to concentrate during lectures because it's not pre-recorded, and the university microphone quality sucks.

I had quite a hard time understanding what the professors are talking about. I hope they will fix that problem. Even though some lectures are boring, I had quite fun today. Maybe it's just the first day of uni effect; I don't know, but I hope that it will continue like that.




So [Music]

2019 study published in the literature researchers identified and described these things, types of subtypes of opportunity. It is emotional about the characters by a lack of almost negative emotions.

So this is the end of the video. I'm tired from all of the lectures that I got today. I'm just so tired. Today I'm going to sleep, and that's all for this video. Don't forget to subscribe and like this video. So, bye!

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