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Celebrate 10 years of Khan Academy! 🎂

2m read
·Nov 10, 2024

Hello teachers,

Sal here from the not-for-profit Khan Academy, and I just wanted to thank you for all of your partnership over the last 10 years. All of us here at Khan Academy—it's much more than me now. We're over 200 folks, including researchers, teachers, and designers, and we all recognize that the most important actor in a student's learning experience is you, the teacher.

That's why we've been so excited to partner with you. Over 700,000 teachers have registered for Khan Academy and helped us reach over 74 million students. There's over 1,200 translators who have helped translate Khan Academy into over 40 languages that are being used pretty much around the world in over 190 countries.

A lot of people think of math when they think of Khan Academy, and we do have a lot of math. But we've been able to expand well beyond that into the sciences, the humanities, computing, and the arts. So, I really want to thank you for going on this journey with us.

I've often said if I had to pick between an amazing teacher and an amazing technology, I would pick the amazing teacher every time. But the good thing is, we don't have to make that trade-off. Our goal is to try to empower you, the teacher, with the tools you need to best meet your students, to save you time, and improve outcomes so that your students learn more and become empowered citizens for the world.

So thank you for being on this journey with us, and I really look forward to seeing what we can do in the next decade together.

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