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Building a Blind | Live Free or Die

2m read
·Nov 11, 2024

Ah, right here! Fresh ones! Look! Oh yeah, cool! Yeah, there's a whole bunch, actually. That's not like one deer; that's a bunch of deer. One deer is coming here all the time.

Yeah, if this is where they're hanging out, then we just need to get to a spot where we can see them, but they can't see us, right? I think just on the other side of this corridor here.

Okay, you can stalk a deer, but that's really tough. I have no idea how to do that. For me, it's a lot more practical to figure out where the deer live and then make a little spot next door to hang out and hide and watch and wait for the deer.

I want to go check out this corn crib over here. Some tin we might be able to use, well, for a roof. Yeah, keep it dry. I don't know; see what we can do.

All right, cool! It feels normal to me because it's how I've grown up. For Tony, this is his first time, but I think Tony has a natural inclination and natural skills as a hunter.

Got to build this blind and get out of the rain. So, this looks like an old corn crib. You see the slots of wood and the wire mesh? That's to keep vermin out. This was for animal feed and for grits and whatnot.

Got some old nails; these will be useful for if we have to nail some poles together. We can use these and bang them in with a rock. Want to grab some of this tin so we can make a little roof?

That looks good, this one? Yeah, that'll work! I'm all about keeping stuff out of the landfill and repurposing it and giving it a new incarnation.

Slide that piece of framing up underneath there. Yeah, it definitely invites creativity, and it feels good. It's a good way to live.

Let me get back and see what it looks like. Maybe sit down inside for a second.

Sit down in there. Looks kind of crazy. Prend, I'm a deer.

Okay, all right! Let me see, let me see.

All right, I'm a deer, I'm a deer. You see me?

Yep, yep, I can see you.

What's that? I hear something, but I don't see anything.

Yeah, if I needed to shoot you, I could definitely do that from here if you were...

Okay, perfect! I'm glad I'm not a deer.

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