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What skills you need to sell private jets.

less than 1m read
·Nov 3, 2024

Everybody asks what kind of skill sets they need to get into selling jets and how they can get into this business. First of all, you have to have passion for aviation. You have to really have it in your blood, as far as I'm concerned.

Really, watching airplanes take off when you were younger, you knew what kind of airplane that was; when you looked at a picture, you knew what it is. It's hard to have that love for something that most people aren't exposed to.

But to get into the industry, if you never had an experience, a good place to start would be working for an aircraft charter brokerage business. Sometimes they're willing to educate and train some people in that industry, and they start to learn about the operating specifics of most corporate aircraft.

The more they know about that, the more comfortable they get with talking on the subject. Once we have a lot of deal flow with airplanes that we're representing to sell, we funnel our aircraft to different specialists in our company. We focus on each different manufacturer's brands and models. [Music]

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