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I Need Your Help!

9m read
·Nov 7, 2024

That echo, that is a nasty echo. Anyway, um, hello! Welcome to New Money HQ. This is pretty exciting, isn't it? Um, so as you can see, I am currently in quite an empty office space and, uh, well, this is one of the parts of, uh, the expansion of the channel that I'm going to be doing over the next little while.

So, uh, I kind of wanted to tell you about it and tell you what I'm planning on, what I'm going to be doing, and I also honestly, I really need some, I need your help. So we'll get to that in a little second. But, uh, yeah, for those that don't know, I've been making my stock market and investing-related YouTube videos for about four years now.

And for the longest time, it's just been me. It's a one-man band. I think about what I'm going to talk about, I script out and plan out the videos, I do the research myself, and then I film it myself. And then I do the edit myself. It's everything. It's me. I publish it myself. I do all the extra things, profitable, um, everything else on top of that. Really, the YouTube channel for the last four years has just been me, and, uh, and that's been fine.

But I'm now at a point where I want to take that next step, and I want to really expand the channel. Really, I want to just because I love making YouTube videos. I love, love, love making all of the content that I put out on the channel, um, and posting it and having you guys watch it and leaving comments and interacting with you guys. That's just, it's the dream job. I absolutely love it.

But at the same time, I've been finding recently that, for example, like I like to put a lot of effort into the research and the stock market aspect of the channel. I don't like to do the editing. And the more I thought about it, I spend so much time editing, but that shouldn't be me. I shouldn't be the person that's doing the editing.

I should be the person that's making the videos. That's where all my time should be spent, because I think that's where I'm, where it's best, where you guys get the most value out of my time being, is actually in the content itself. Not so much the edit. So, long story short, I decided that in 2022, I wanted to turn New Money into this full, like fully-fledged business.

So, I've taken out this office space, and I'm going to start to hire people as well. So, the first person up on the list is video editor, animator, graphic designer, that sort of thing. And over the next little while, we're going to build out a team. It's going to start with one, then it'll go to two, as long as things keep growing, which fingers crossed they do.

Um, then it'll turn into one, two, three people. And really, the whole idea behind this is just to make better YouTube videos. I just want to make more higher quality YouTube videos, which is, I guess hopefully what you guys want to see. But having said that, it's not going to be easy. It's also not going to be cheap.

So, this is very much a big step in the future of the channel, I guess for me as well. Uh, it's not going to be easy, as I said, so I really was hoping, um, to put forward a couple of ideas in case you guys wanted to help out.

Um, so for a lot of you guys, you know that Profitful is one of the ways that you can support the financial stability of the channel. So, it's Black Friday, or it's about to be Black Friday, so I decided that, you know, maybe a good trade-off. And for those that don't know, I'm not someone that likes to ask for donations.

I always think that if you're giving money to someone, you should get some sort of value in return for that. So, and that's kind of why I never did just like a donations page. I decided to make something like Profitful. But it's Black Friday, so if you are interested in learning about the full process of either passive investing or Warren Buffett style active investing, and you want a sick discount, and you also want to know that all of that money is going to help me build out this next phase of growth on the YouTube channel, then please check out Profitful. Links are down in the description below.

I would be very, very appreciative if you guys did want to help me out and maybe check out some of those courses. There are four courses on Profitful. One is Stock Market for Beginners. Okay, that's passive investing. It's a full, these courses by the way, they are not just like, uh, shitty courses. These are full in-depth, step-by-step courses that will help you implement both of those strategies, start to finish.

Okay, no, like, the idea behind this course is there's no stone left unturned. You'll learn everything there is to know. Um, so passive investing in Stock Market for Beginners, then Introduction to Stock Analysis is the four-pillared Warren Buffett style stock picking approach. That is an eight-hour course that, as I said, goes step by step and teaches you how to implement the Warren Buffett investing strategy.

Um, so if you want to check that out, then, uh, there's those two investing courses. And then there's the tax courses which are applicable for Australians. It's regarding the Australian tax taxation system, but there's Tax for Beginners, and then there's also Tax on Your Investments.

So, if you would be so kind, if you maybe feel like you've watched some of my content before and you like how I go about my investing and you'd like to learn that approach and you'd like to support the channel then, and also get a sick discount as well, then please check out Profitful. That will be amazing, and all of the money that is accumulated in that venture is going towards building this out, hiring people, which in turn creates more YouTube videos at a higher quality.

So I would really appreciate it. But I also decided, and I've been hesitant to doing this for a while, so I decided to make a Patreon. And I've kind of drifted away from Patreon because, for the longest time, I've kind of just viewed it as more of a donation thing more than anything. And like I said, I'm not really a huge fan of just receiving donations. I like there to be that level of accountability, and I like there to be a value transaction.

So, I decided to create a Patreon and I think I can do it in a really cool way where if you want to sign up to the Patreon at whatever tier you like, there are obviously different tiers for different perks. But I think I've done it in a way where you guys can get some really cool different perks if that is something that interests you.

So, at the very base tier, like I think it's like five bucks a month, that's purely donation. If you are someone that just says, "You know what, Brandon, you know you don't like accepting donations but I want to give you one," then feel free. Like there's a five-dollar tier. But every tier beyond that, you get stuff which I hope you guys really enjoy.

So I think there's like a ten-dollar tier, a twenty-dollar tier, a fifty-dollar tier, I think there might be a hundred. I can't remember exactly what. I'll flash it up on the screen right now, but with different tiers, there's going to be say, behind-the-scenes content. So, if you wanted to see this space get built out over time because this is getting designed and turned into a set and everything like that. So, if you wanted to see that process, then you want to sign up to the behind-the-scenes tier.

If you want exclusive extra investing videos, then you can subscribe to the next tier up. There's a tier where you can submit questions, and I'll do a monthly Q&A video that answers every single question that's left by people in that tier. So there's a whole lot of, I guess, perks, um, and I think that's still a good way where, you know, it's not really just me saying, "Hey guys, can you just give me some money?"

Then there's actually, I feel like there could be a good value transaction there if, in your eyes, you feel it is worth it from your perspective, value for money wise. So overall, guys, that is kind of a quick update to the channel. Definitely check out Profitful's Black Friday sale if you want to jump on that, um, and check out the Patreon.

Even if you don't decide to sign up, I'd just appreciate it if you went and had a look at the Patreon. Just see what there is on offer in each of those tiers. You know, then it's up to you if you want to sign up, then that's awesome. If you don't want to, then that's totally fine. But, um, I just wanted to also address one more thing before we signed off on this video. Uh, it's a comment that I know I'm going to get because I've made videos in the past talking about, you know, being honest and talking about how much money, you know, the YouTube channel makes and whatnot.

And make no mistake, like I know that the YouTube channel does make a lot of money, so I wanted to tackle that issue, uh, in this video for those that are wondering, "Hey dude, why do you need extra money? Just use your own money." And, um, for, for the last couple of years, I've really been focused on making money for myself to be able to buy a house or turned into an apartment.

House prices in Canberra are extremely expensive. Um, and you know, it's not a flash apartment. I ended up buying a two-bedroom, two-bathroom apartment, just very straightforward, not crazy expensive. But that was really my goal for the last couple of years, is to make sure I could get into a space so I could stop renting.

Now that I've done that, or now technically the apartment's not finished yet, but now that I've kind of signed up for it and I know that that's going to happen, then all, pretty much all of my money, on top of that, like besides living expenses and whatnot, will be going back into reinvesting into the business.

I want to have a very good return on invested capital, and then I want to pump a lot of money into, into reinvesting in the business, uh, to put in stock market terms. Um, so yes, I like, I'll stand here and I'll say yes, the YouTube channel does make a good amount of money. But for what I want to do, uh, and the people that I want to bring on, honestly, it's just, it's not enough.

It's not enough. But this is something that I really want to do because I want to make more YouTube videos. So I feel like at this point I'm rambling. Yes, the channel makes a lot of money, but I am going to put that money back into making better and better YouTube videos so that you guys reap the benefits. It's not just me, like sitting pretty and getting rich or something like that.

So that's going to be me for the next little while. Plus, Profitful, that money is going to be pumped back into this project. Any money that we can raise, uh, start to accumulate on Patreon, that's going back into this project. So any support, if you guys are interested in giving it, I will take it.

Thank you guys very much. I know you guys will definitely show up. You guys always, whenever I need help, uh, you guys have been there for me, and I really appreciate that. I sincerely appreciate that. But honestly, I'm starting to ramble at this point. I have no idea how long this video is going to be. I feel like I'm saying the same thing over and over again, which is why I definitely need to plan out my videos.

As you can tell, I have not planned this video. But yeah, if you're interested in signing up, joining up to Profitful, to Patreon, please do. Otherwise, I'll, uh, I'll finish this video by taking you around your money HQ. It's a nice little, nice little view. And then here's a desk with no monitor.

As you can see, it's just a, uh, it's just a box, really. This is a 70, 70ish square meter box. But, uh, what it will become, hopefully, is something awesome. Also, for all of the stuff that's on that desk, look, there's speakers, laptop, keyboard, mouse, computer, and the desk itself on a couple of cords and headphones. For all of that equipment, that is how much packaging it required.

Doesn't that just seem completely broken to you? That much equipment, that much packaging? That is, I don't know, that's kind of scary, how much waste is created just by packaging. But anyway, that is the space. Um, I hope you want to join and kind of help out in building this out. And if you do offer any sort of support, I really appreciate it. Thank you very much. That's it from me. Um, and yeah, hopefully you'll see a lot more from this space very soon.

All right, thanks guys.

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