What's WRONG With This Cat ?!?! IMG! #21
Every geek's dream and a great reason to keep driving your car! It's episode 21 of IMG. Here's a picture of Darth Prime, and here's Barbie as a homicidal sociopath.
Not terrible enough for you? Then check out this example of bad parenting. What's this kid freaking out about? Uh, well, here's a trick to make you look buffer.
Here are sad drawings of Kirby. Some are trippy, some are ghosts, and some are violent, but some just aren't even the right color. These books with pages that fold to spell words were cool a couple weeks ago, but this shelf of books tells us more.
But if you prefer emoticons, Kira Ratbone uses typewriters to print symbols onto paper to make elaborate works of art. Now, chances are you're using your eyes to see these images, but up close, your eyes look like sand dunes. Your iris is a freaky structure made of fibers and cells attached to muscle, so use them to witness the most confusingly badass birthday cake ever.
Or if you don't have a sweet tooth, try this pizza topped with pizzas topped with more pizzas. Now, funny tennis faces!
In the olden days, things were still pretty cool. Dogs pulled cars, pandas took pictures, men shot children, and played tennis on bi-planes. And cigarettes were for two historical upskirt.
IMG has shown you a lot of cool things made with Legos, and today I bring you Steven Hawking. Oh, and here's Alan Page playing the lying down game.
I'm in love on facebook.com/vsaucegaming. You guys rule! Antonio showed us a 3D Apple laptop, and Glenn proved that The Lion King is real.
Peace! Wait, who's that? An unfortunate jump location!
So, I'll leave you with some advice: If you want to look less lonely, buy this t-shirt. And if you want the awesomest videos on the web, check out this site.
Get it? Be sure to check out Wacky Gamer's newest Street Fighter puppet show and subscribe to Wacky Gamer Comedy for more!
Let me know below in the comments what's the best joke you recently heard. I can't wait to read them! And hey, as always, thanks for watching!