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Everything you need to know about being a Real Estate Agent: The Real Estate Agent Academy

11m read
·Nov 7, 2024

What's up you guys, it's Grant here.

So, I put a lot of time, effort, and thought into making this video, and it would mean the world to me if you guys give it the chance to watch it all the way through. Plus, if you're interested in becoming a real estate agent, I have a clip at the very end with one of the best ways that you can get listings that many people seem to overlook. So, that's at the very end, so make sure to watch this all the way through so you don't miss out on that.

Let's start here. Many of you guys have asked me to create a course on how to be a real estate agent and talk about topics like: where do you get your real estate license? How easy is that to get? How do you interview a brokerage? What sort of questions do you ask on that? How do you negotiate commission splits? Where do you meet sellers? Where do you meet buyers? How do you negotiate deals? How do you even make money in the business?

I've been asked every single question under the sun over and over and over again, and I've been asked repetitively to make something like this. Originally, this is something that I wasn't interested in doing, and I shrugged off the idea. But as the channel started to grow, I ended up getting literally thousands of messages from other real estate agents or people interested in getting into real estate asking for either one-on-one coaching or real estate consulting.

After getting request after request, I just warmed up to the idea and figured, you know what? I may as well just give it a shot, see how it goes. I began setting up just a few one-on-one coaching calls, you know, here and there, maybe once a week, twice a week. But as my schedule became busier and busier and busier, I started realizing that taking the time to schedule these calls was taking me away from working as a real estate agent and also just taking my time away from everything else that I need to focus on.

From doing this, I realized that I pretty much don't have a life outside of work, and it pretty much consumed me. I just didn't have time for anything else, and because of that, I really suffered as a person. When I'm not a well-rounded person, everything else tends to suffer along with that. It became really apparent that there were two issues with this.

The first problem was that I ended up getting a lot of the same questions over and over and over again. Many agents have the same sticking points; they want to know how to get leads, they want to know how to convert those into sales, they want to know better negotiation tactics, and other little tips and tricks along the way to hold them accountable to actually make sure they're following through with what they say.

Then from there, it's really about fine-tuning the systems that they already have in place to really make it the most effective as they can. The second problem that I realized was that coaching calls just weren't scalable. I am just one person. There are only a certain amount of hours in the day, and there's no way that I can scale that. Eventually, that's only sustainable for so long before there's a tipping point, and I realized that pretty quickly when I had no time left over for anything else.

Now, it was at this point that I began reevaluating which road I want to take and how I want to go about doing this. It was at that point that I realized that in order to make this work, I have to do something that's scalable that doesn't require me to invent hours in a day that just don't exist.

So, with a lot of thought behind this, I decided to go ahead and actually create a course answering all of the questions I've ever been asked and everything I can think of starting your career as a real estate agent, making money in the business. It's basically a decade of everything I learned in the business and everything I wish I knew when I first started just brain dumped on the internet.

Now, this was my biggest hesitation and my biggest fear going forward with something like this, and that I know there are going to be people who are opposed to me selling anything, offering a course, or seeing it as maybe like selling out or anything like that. But from my perspective, this is the only way that I could expand what I'm currently doing in a way that's scalable that doesn't cause me to go crazy without a life.

Literally, like I've been doing lately, going to bed at 2:00 a.m. and then waking up at like 7:30 is just not sustainable. This is also a way that I can offer value for the people that are really interested in that, and if you're not interested in it, I'm never going to be forcing it down your throats or like pitching it every video. I'm not into that. Nothing's gonna change with that.

But at the same time, if someone is interested in it, at least it's available. I can assure you I have thought extensively if this is something I wanted to do and if this is the route I want it to go down. I built my entire channel on being as transparent, open, and honest as possible, and I intend to keep it that way.

I did not want anyone to think that I am just trying to sell out or monetize the audience, trying to make a quick buck because frankly, that would be the furthest thing that I'm ever trying to do. I am in this for the long haul, and from the way I see it, the value of this course is going to be worth way more to the person watching it than I'm gonna be getting in return.

And by the way, there's no way in hell that I would ever sell a course that wasn't a hundred percent worth it. That would entirely ruin all the work I put in, my entire reputation, and everything I've worked so hard to preserve. Anything I do outside of that just reflects on my reputation as a real estate agent, and there's no way I would do anything to risk the decade of work I've already put in on that just to cash out on something that wasn't worth it or something that was just crap.

This, you guys know me by now, there's no way I would do that. So, with that said, if I'm selling something, it better be the best damn course that ever exists in the history of the Internet.

That brings me to where I am today. I began working on this months ago by creating an outline of every single question a new real estate agent will want to know. I've incorporated just about every single question I've gotten on Snapchat, on Instagram, on YouTube, and everything I wished I knew when I first started. This outline was nearly 20 pages long, and then what I did is I went and I passed it by over a dozen other real estate agents to review it and see if I've missed any points.

I then spent over a month filming and editing this. Keep in mind I would wake up at 8 a.m., go to work as a real estate agent until about 6:00 or 7:00 p.m., eat dinner, and then pretty much from 8:00 p.m. to 2:00 a.m. every single day I was filming and editing. I would take Saturday or Sunday off all day. I would work like 16 hours straight doing as much work as I could while still at the same time putting out three videos a week.

You guys didn't notice any slippage in videos because that's how dedicated I was to doing all of this. At the same time, I basically barely slept, didn't have a social life, sacrificed a lot of stuff just because I was so focused on making this work. I figured, like, if I'm doing this, I could imagine if you just took all of the videos on my channel and compacted it into just how to become a successful real estate agent, and you did that all in like a month and a half, that is pretty much this course.

Then when I finished that, I ended up passing it by a few more people to review it just to get their acceptance on it before I ended up making it public and having other people see it. Because again, the last thing I would want is to put something out there that wasn't a hundred percent just amazing.

So with that said, this is pretty much everything I know about becoming a real estate agent, and I'm calling this course the Real Estate Agent Academy. Keep in mind that this is not this like get-rich-quick magic pill, and working as a real estate agent honestly is like a long-term career. This should not be something that's going to be used in like I want to do it for a year and make 100k. Realistically, that's not what this course is meant for; this is an actual career.

This is something that I would hope you would do for at least a decade and really hone your skills at this and work at this. A course is not something that's just gonna magically make you successful. This is something that is going to give you the tools you will need, but you're gonna actually have to do the work to build the business that you want to do.

Even if you're currently working as a real estate agent, this course could still benefit you if you're looking to expand what you're currently doing. So just remember this is strictly how to be a real estate agent. It does not cover anything with real estate investing, it does not cover anything with real estate wholesaling. It is strictly if you want to be a real estate agent, this is the course for you.

So, with all that out of the way, if you're interested in becoming a real estate agent, I'm going to be giving $50 off in early access to the course before it officially goes live if you sign up for the pre-launch. So when you sign up for this, I'll email out the coupon code as soon as the course goes live in the next week or so, and again, you'll get full access to this prior to anyone else knowing about it.

Then once it goes live on YouTube, it's just going to be the regular price. So if you're at all remotely interested, you may as well just sign up for it. You get the fifty bucks off and then decide later if it's something you want to purchase or not. If you go for it, great! If not, that's totally fine too. I'm never going to be one of these people that's ever gonna like you got to buy it now! If you don't do it now, you have five seconds to do it now, otherwise the deal's gone! It's all gone! I will close it up! Oh, I only have one spot left!

Don't worry about that. I'm going to be honest with you guys, it's like, you know, it's a promotional thing, it's for a week. If you don't do it, that's fine. If you do it, great! But I'm never gonna be one of those like sleazy sort of salespeople.

And lastly, don't ever worry about this channel changing or me just making videos now to like pitch off the course, trying to sell as many courses as possible. Nothing is changing, and don't ever think that I'm like withholding information that's on the course from posting it on the channel for free. There are some topics in the course though that are just so obscure that it's not worth me making a video on because it's such an obscure, niche-focused topic of becoming a real estate agent.

So, little things like that, yeah, I'm not gonna be making videos on that. But if you're serious about becoming a real estate agent and you want to know everything from A to Z condensed as much as possible with every single thing you will need to know in the order you will need to know it, then yes, I think this course will greatly benefit you.

Lastly, I just want to thank everybody for their support. This is something that I had been so nervous about making and doing, and I'm sure even as I posted this just now, my heart's gonna be racing as this goes live. I'm just like, “Oh my God, what are people gonna say? What are people gonna think?” Because I really, really care, and I don't want anyone thinking that I'm just trying to sell out, that I am just trying to pitch some course, and that I'm just trying to make a quick buck.

Because that's never been my intention. At the end of the day, it really comes down to just me needing to do something that's scalable where I can still work full-time as a real estate agent, that I could still go and buy properties, and that I could still go and make three YouTube videos a week like I have been without driving myself crazy, but with still providing value that for people that want to become a real estate agent can really use.

I really believe in this, and I really am proud of it, and I just entirely stand behind it. So with that said, here's a three-minute clip from the Real Estate Agent Academy course detailing one of the best ways to get a listing that many people overlook. This is something you could do as a brand new agent with zero experience, and it is one of the best ways to build up your business.

Now, keep in mind—this is three minutes out of over eight hours in the course. Hope you guys enjoy. Thank you for watching. Until next time.

So now, I want to talk about one more amazing way to go out and get leads, and that is to drive around the area that you want to work in and find homes that are under construction. A lot of the time, these are gonna be homes that are gonna be flipped and sold, and many times the person who's flipping it hasn't quite decided on a realtor yet or doesn't have a listing signed on that home yet.

This is a great opportunity for you to get an early show them what you can offer and get the listing by the time it's ready to sell. So, to start on this, I highly recommend that you drive around the area that you really want to work in. When you find a home that's under construction, feel free just to walk in and try to get in contact with the owner, or it may be a head contractor. If the owner's not there or the contractor's not there, ask whoever's working there when they're gonna be back.

Then, whenever you find out when they're gonna be back, show up at that time. If you show up again and they're still not there, ask them again when are they gonna be back. Keep going, keep going, keep going until you can either get in contact with the owner or the contractor. Now, when you reach the contractor, ask them if the home is going to be sold or if the owners going to be moving in.

If the owner's planning to sell it, see if the contractor is willing to give you the owner's information. Then once you reach the owner, you can explain that you're a real estate agent working in that area and that you have many buyers looking for homes that are not on the market. And from there, you can begin offering your services and see if it'll be a good fit to list their home for sale.

Even if you don't end up getting a listing on that home, if the owner's still willing to sell it, you can use that home as a pocket listing. So if you have a buyer, or you know of another agent that has a buyer who's looking in that area, you now know of an off-market home that is pretty much a brand new construction or a remodel that's about to come on the market. You're gonna figure out the price ahead of time from the owner, and then from there, you can introduce the other agent or that buyer to that property.

Now, again, like I had mentioned earlier in this course, it is so important before you introduce anybody to a home that's not yet on the market, you have an exclusive listing signed by the seller and the person you're introducing to that home. It's so important you always get this in writing because the last thing you'd ever want to do is introduce a buyer to a home that's still under construction, you don't have any listing on it, and then the buyer somehow gets in contact with the seller, and then they do a deal behind your back just to cut out the commission.

You don't want to do that. If you ever introduce somebody to a property, get a buyer exclusive signed before or get an exclusive listing signed before you introduce anybody to a property. It just protects you. But with all of that said, going and driving around and finding homes under construction is such a great way to go and get listings, and very few other agents do it.

When an owner sees that you're the type of agent to drive around the area to focus on an area that much to go and walk in a place that's under construction and try to get the listing on it, it shows how ambitious you are and how hard you're gonna work to get that home sold. So you may as well use this to your benefit, take advantage of this, offer your services here, or if anything else, just have it as a pocket listing for you to use for any buyers who are looking for something not on the market.

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