Get The Official US Time
Mad Kids 101 here.
Today, this is just a really short video on how to get the exact US time on your computer. This is only for the United States; you can only get this time when you live in the United States. But, um, this is a great tool for all those of us who live in the USA who want the exact, perfect, accurate time.
What you want to do is go in your browser to This link will also be in the description. Um, the page will load. You have to have Java player in order to, uh, go to this time unfortunately, but it's pretty cool anyway.
So, um, right here you click your time zone. Right here I am, so I'll just click my time zone. And, um, here's my time zone. It'll say "click allow" or "deny." You want to just click allow. This is only because I have a secure browser, and this is in Java, so it's um, secure.
And this is the time. It'll keep on, uh, updating itself every second. Um, it's accurate within a certain um, amount of um, a fraction of a second. Right where I am, it's 0.02 seconds. It's off by, at the most, um, but right here is the exact, um, basically satellite time. That's the official time.
So if you're, say, a teacher and you want to make sure your kids are getting in at the right time to class, set your clock to this time, and they won't be able to argue with you that your clock is off. So this is the exact right time. Um, some of you may argue about this, but I know it is.
Anyway, so thanks for watching. Macad, subscribe, and goodbye.