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Creativity break: how can students expand their creativity in biology? | Khan Academy

less than 1m read
·Nov 10, 2024

[Music] I'd encourage every single one of you to spend some time immersed in a different culture or maybe even spend some time working in a totally different part of the world from where you grew up.

Now, it doesn't have to be quite that drastic; it could be as simple as investing in relationships with people from other parts of the world.

And while you're at it, I'd encourage you to learn a different language.

Both, both, both of those experiences I think will stretch your mind in ways that help you consider other possibilities.

Students can expand their creative and scientific skill sets by thinking beyond the classroom and beyond the textbook, using that information from the classroom and from the textbook and from other formal information sources and expanding that to learn more about both today's world and the world that you imagine for the future.

That involves using those skills such as communication and problem solving and critical thinking to wonder not just about what is already known but to wonder about what is not yet known.

Which involves using creativity to think and to wonder.

And that also means communicating with other people to see how they want to shape the world as well.

[Music] You

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