Tense Standoff With a Male Elephant in Mating Mode | Expedition Raw
Okay, stop, stop, stop, stop! They're right there! Right? My sister Joyce and myself, we're driving to the park, hoping that the elephants here won't try to hit us. Uhoh, look at the size of this guy on the left! We're trying to show these elephants that humans that come in vehicles these days are not here to hurt them.
The reason to do this is because tourists are going to run into this situation too. The more time this guy spends around cars, the more relaxed he'll be. I hope he's friendly.
He's not going to be friendly; he's a musma! We have to be ready to run away. What's Teddy, everybody? Well, he looks pretty damn serious. I don't like being in a place where I cannot— and he's doing a parallel walk.
Get ready, Joyce! We have to be extremely careful, but at the same time, I'm trying to get these amazing shots. Bob, when they come, they can really come! I know, right?
He's leaving in the end; he's not interested in us. Yeah, I think he's going. He's interested in finding his ladies. He's quite a stud!
I don't think I'll ever get used to putting my finger up a water buck's anus. Sorry, buddy! Shee, when you get a fecal sample, you don't mess around; just want to be as thorough as possible.