COMIC-CON 2010: Halo: Reach Exclusive HD Footage - Forge World Beyond the Canyon, LE Xbox and more.
Hey everybody, Jeff Rman and Adam Mlin here from Wacky Gamer.
We're here at the 2010 Comic-Con. We're going to be posting a bunch of footage next week on Wacky Gamer Comedy, so make sure to subscribe. But for now, check out this awesome footage from the Halo recession. Bungie announced a bunch of different configurations for their multiplayer modes. I think people are really going to dig them.
Here's some awesome footage, and, uh, we thought, you know what, what if you get to play from the Covenant perspective? So if you look in the lower left-hand corner, you'll see I have a new armor ability, hologram. I'm going to show you guys something cool to do that.
1 minute remaining. Come on! [Applause]
So we do have unique assassinations for the sword now. Um, yeah, that's pretty sweet. And we're going to reveal one more new thing—it's a brand new vehicle you guys have never seen before. I'll just run over here real quick—the forklift! [Applause]
Hold on, hold on, quiet! [Music]
Quiet! If you ever want to know what's beyond the canyon, here's some awesome footage of the rest of Forge World. Should we finally go beyond the canyon? [Applause]
So what is beyond the canyon? The majority of the map! Oh, Bungie also announced a new Xbox designed for Halo. So if you feel like spending an extra $250 on a piece of equipment you already own, go to town! It's actually going to be $300. Or you could just go buy a 360 and spray paint it silver.
Keep your eyes peeled; we'll have some exclusive footage of the new features they added to Forge, the in-game editor, including some maps they made at Bungie specifically with Forge. Check it out! They look super sweet. [Music]