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The Black Woman | Genius: MLK/X | National Geographic

2m read
·Nov 10, 2024

Sister Betty,

The Honorable Elisha Muhammad has provided an answer to the central question amongst us all: Who is the original man? The original man is the Asiatic black man, the maker, the owner, the creator of the planet Earth, god of the universe, the light of the Sun. In fact, the black man existed before the Sun; therefore, he is the maker and owner of the Sun.

Yet, you are a woman. How do you respond when we say man? When we say man, we mean woman, because we can't say man without woman. Woman is the origin that man evolved from. As we are taught, we are all intertwined in the light of Allah.

The most disrespected person in America is the black woman. The most unprotected person in America is the black woman. The most neglected person in America is the black woman.

As Muslims, The Honorable Elijah Muhammad teaches us to respect and protect our women. The only time a Muslim gets real violent is when someone tries to harm our women. I know you know; we will kill you for our women.

Now I'm speaking plainly. We will kill you for our women, and we believe that if the white man will do whatever is necessary to see that his woman gets respect and protection, then you and I will never be recognized as men until we stand up like men and pay the same penalty on the man who puts his filthy hands out in the direction of our women.

It all starts here with our women of the nation and the power instilled in each and every one of you. I promise, we promise to honor your commitment with the strength that you deserve.


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