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A Scare in the Night | The Great Human Race

2m read
·Nov 11, 2024

What do you think? You feel safe in here? I wouldn't go through that nasty. My hands are full of these things. Not only was fire used for warmth and protection, but it was also a gathering place for humans and the beginning of a sense of community. You know, it's something to have this ability to sit here and actually talk. The only way we got to this point tonight was 'cause we tended that co all day long. That was a chore, yeah, but now we can sit here just like homework practice did. We can appreciate what we did today. We can plan for the next day. You can't put a price tag on that, and our ancestors surely did the same thing. I don't know another species that has made the transition that we have. This is the transition.

[Music] Point. Did you hear that? Yeah, is that a hyena? Could be. Where'd he go? I don't—it's right there! There he is; he's moving right there. Oh my God! What are you thinking? I'm convinced at this point that there are several of them circled around us, just [Music] waiting.

Yeah, there's a lion right there. There you go! Look at him! Look at him! We're not with this L. You have eyes on it, Bill? I did. Went behind the palm, thirty feet on the other side of that fence. You think it's big enough? Nope. I no longer feel confident in this fence. We can't run, Bill; there's nowhere to go. You see him, Bill? Oh, right there, it's right there, right there!

I'm going to build this fire up, Bill. Alright, I'm going to keep a lookout and ward it off. Where'd it go, Bill? I don't see it. Hey, do you hear anything? I'm not hearing the same rustling that I was. I don't see anything; I don't hear anything. I'm not going to get any sleep, but alright, let it settle on you. Alright. I don't know, that was unnerving. Yeah, I know. If I sleep tonight, it'll be with one eye open.

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