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Making Pickled Eggs | Live Free or Die: How to Homestead

2m read
·Nov 11, 2024

[Music] I'm just coming down to the coop this morning and seeing if we have some fresh eggs. There's a bunch of different nests. We've got some whites and some browns and all sorts of different colors. Our chickens are laying more eggs than we can eat right now. I have at least a dozen eggs here, and I want to make sure that they don't spoil. So, I'm actually going to pickle all the eggs today.

Hey Missy, I get an egg! Ow! Stop it! Ow! You two are having a little, uh, standoff about who gets a lone egg, aren't you? There's a lot of chicken drama around here. I think that's all of them, so I'm going to show you how to pickle eggs. Pickling is a great way to preserve eggs if you have more than you can eat and, um, you're concerned that they're going to go bad if they're getting a little old.

In order to make pickled eggs, you'll need vinegar. This is some honey from our honey bees here, and you're going to need some salt. Here are some beets. So, um, beets are a great addition to pickled eggs because they add a really nice color. So, let's go ahead and boil these eggs. While the eggs are cooking, I am going to go ahead and chop up some beets and boil them.

Okay, so all of our eggs are peeled now. I'm going to put all of the eggs into a large mason jar, and this is where they're going to be pickled. The next step is to put in our pickling ingredients. I'm going to go ahead and pour all the beet juice in. I'm going to toss in some of the boiled beets as well. Next is our homemade honey vinegar. I'm going to do one cup of this. You can also vary the amount of honey. I'm going to do half of a cup, but, uh, you could put a whole cup in if you want it a little more sweet.

I'm going to top it off with some fresh water—same amount of water as vinegar. Half a teaspoon to a teaspoon of salt, depending on how much salt you like. The lid on, I'm going to give this a good shake. I want all of the vinegar, honey, and water to get, um, mixed very well.

If you have a fridge, put it in the refrigerator, but, uh, we're going to, uh, just set it outside behind the house in a shady spot. After they sit, they're going to be a really pretty pink, and after 24 hours, you can go ahead and start eating them.

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