This Senior-Citizen Synchronized Swim Team Will Make Your Day | Short Film Showcase
I think that in a former life, I must have been a fish. I won't say what kind, but certainly was not a goldfish. Oh, the freedom! I feel so free. I just wish I could be naked, but I can't be. But I just love that free.
Swimming for me is like a second form of life. It's something that, if I don't do for 2 weeks, I feel kind of like my body is not right. I just avoided the water all my life. I would say I really started swimming when I was about 60 years old.
Okay, let's open up. [Applause] [Music] Slowly, I never was a dancer, but I can dance in the water. I can turn upside down, I can spin, I can do all kinds of things that I cannot do on land.
We started dancing around like ET, the Williams, and do what she do, but then again, I think we better n Willam. She she never. [Music] Flip.
I think I will be on this team as long as they'll have me, and even when they don't want me, I can't imagine anything else that would get me up in the morning.
And [Music] out my next birthday, I'd be 93 years young, and I have been a member since 1986.
Black do [Music] crack. The best part about getting old: you've come to grips with many of the things that you used to worry about when you were younger, and you figured it out. That's what I love about being a little older; I've figured a lot of things out.