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Can homeopathic medicine dissolve gallstones? - Dr. Sanjay Panicker

2m read
·Nov 25, 2024


Hello, I'm Dr. Sanjaya Panikker. I founded Amruta Homeopathy in 1997 in a small town in Sanger. Later, we expanded to two clinics in Koramangala and Marathon. We specialize in hair and skin problems, respiratory problems, pediatrics, allergies, and infertility.

Homeopathic medicines are very effective in treating gallstones. Gallstones form because the bile, which is being stored in the gallbladder, produced from the liver, is not of a very good quality. If the composition of the bile is right, then it should not harden and form stones. So, the stone which is found in the gallbladder is nothing but the bile itself, which is coagulated and formed into a stone.

Often, in the initial stages, the patient complains of pain, which is diagnosed as cholecystitis, inflammation of the gallbladder. Sometimes, in the ultrasound, we find there is a sludge of these bilious secretions, and very often, over a period of time, the patient comes up with a stone. If the stone is more than 3mm, then usually the stone cannot pass down along the bile duct and cannot be eliminated.

So, in such patients, the homeopathic medicine helps to dissolve the gallstone, and then it is passed off. Usually, the gallstone which has formed is of such a composition that it is very difficult for us to dissolve this particular stone. The gallstone which is there is basically of different types of composition again.

Based on the person's constitution, when we prescribe these medicines and based on the symptoms that he presents, certain homeopathic medicines are used. It helps to dissolve this gallstone by changing the composition of the bile. The best part is that the removal of the gallbladder stone is not very important; the recurrence of the gallbladder stone is what homeopathy helps to prevent, so that again and again the stones do not form.

The most useful remedies for gallbladder stones are Arch, Anhedonia, and again you have Cardus Marianus, Lycopodium, Sulphur, Calcareara, Calcanes, and Furacarm, Nux Vomica, Phosphorus. These are wonderful remedies. Berberis Vulgaris is another very beautiful remedy which can be used to dissolve this gallstone. Colas Traynham, again, the low potencies can be used to treat gallstones.

So, I have beautiful results where the patients have had gallstones, and the treatment has successfully cleared the gallstones within a short span. In some cases, it takes about three to six months. Some may take even up to one and a half to two years to clear these stones.

[Music] You.

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