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The Truth About Being Famous

3m read
·Nov 7, 2024

I'm the most hated man in Austria. Nobody knows that I won an award for it. What does it mean to you to be known as Mr. Wonderful? I don't know how that happened. We've been trying to find the tape where that occurred. We think it was an exchange with Barbara Corcoran 16 years ago on Shark Tank, but we're not sure.

But I'll tell you today, there are many people around the world that don't know my name. When I landed in LA a few months ago, the guy had that, you know, card that said Mr. Wonderful on it, you know, for the limo. I said to him, "Do you know my name?" He said, "Yeah, you're Mr. Wonderful." I said, "No, my real name." He said, "You're Mr. Wonderful." I said, "You don't really know my name, do you?" He said, "No, I don't." So that's how far it's gotten. But it's a passport worldwide.

I'm the most hated man in Austria. Nobody knows that I won an award for it. It's pretty weird because I was on a train from Geneva to Zurich, and this couple said, "We just got married. Can we get a picture with you?" I said, "Everybody hates you in Austria." I said, "Why?" They replied, "Well, you're the mean one." I said, "I'm not the mean one; I'm the only guy that tells the truth on Shark Tank." Anyway, can we get a picture? I said, "I'm the most hated guy, and you want a picture for your wedding with me?" They said, "Yeah, yeah, we'd like that."

No difference specifically in American culture between fame and infamy anymore, true or false? Oh, that's 100% true. I mean, there are so many examples. I remember in year three of Shark Tank, whoever the CEO of ABC was—because there's been a lot of CEOs over the years—I mean, media jobs are the most volatile jobs in the world; I really believe that. But he called me into his office and he says, "How are you liking fame now?" I said, "Why are you asking me that?" He said, "Because I know it's not what you thought."

I said, "That's true. Why do you bring that up?" He said, "I'm just—how are you dealing with it?" I said, "I'm dealing with it. I'm dealing with it." And yes, there are some downsides to it. But I'll tell you a story that for me sums it up, and I always tell this story.

On the two cutting edges of infamy and fame, if you want to call it that, New York City, seven years ago, maybe, uh, eating at a restaurant called One If by Land, Two If by Sea—how crazy is that? I mean, it was great food, and this woman came up with her young daughter and said, "Can we get a picture? She's a big Shark Tank fan; she's nine years old." I always do it for kids, even if we're eating, and it really bothered my daughter. She just went nuts and said, "Why can't we ever get any free time as a family?"

Yada yada yada yada yada.

Five hours later, when we're asleep in the hotel, it was not the cell phones that were ringing; it was the phone in the room, which never happens anymore. I pick it up, and it's my daughter saying, "Daddy, I'm outside of this club with all my friends, and we can't get in. The bouncer's a Shark Tank fan; would you please talk to him and get us in?" I said, "Savannah, you hate fame. You told me you didn't want to be interrupted, and now you've got to the dark side! Never bring this up again. If I talk to this guy and you get in that club, it's over. Do we have this agreement?"

There is the essence of the pros and cons—that's what it was. To this day, she doesn't utter a word.

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