4 Ways to CURE Social Media Addiction and GET WORK DONE
Hey, it's Joey, and welcome to Better Ideas. Now, a lot of people in this highly digital, social media-driven society are finding it increasingly difficult to get work done without getting distracted by social media. I've experienced the same problem, whether it's endlessly scrolling through the newsfeed on Facebook, hitting that discover tab on Instagram—just constantly refreshing it—or just binge-watching YouTube videos.
But I've been fortunate enough to stumble upon four awesome tips that have really helped me increase my productivity, decrease the amount of time I waste on the internet and social media in general—all without compromising my ability to be reached by other people.
Number one: install the News Feed Eradicator Chrome extension. News Feed Eradicator is a free extension that blocks your Facebook News Feed and replaces it with a motivational quote. You can still access Messenger and view notifications, but it stops you from endlessly scrolling, which is the main problem we're trying to avoid here. This is definitely one of the best and most easily implemented strategies to help you stop mindlessly scrolling through the Facebook news feed.
Number two is delete the Facebook app off your phone and replace it with the Messenger app. This is helpful for the exact same reason that my first tip was helpful—it keeps you away from the News Feed. The News Feed is bad news. Why do you need to know what meme Johnny Smith tagged Suzie Q in two hours ago? It's useless. It's crap! Stop wasting time on useless, unsubstantial things and start getting good, meaningful work done.
Number four is install the Forest app on your phone. There are a million videos explaining what the Forest app is, and it has millions of downloads. Basically, I'll just put the link in the description, and you can check that out.
My fourth and final tip is possibly the most practical and the most important: don't use social media first thing in the morning. Try having a one-hour period in the morning where you don't check social media, don't look at the internet—and just dedicate it to starting the day off right. Maybe eat a good breakfast, take a shower, get dressed into something fly, and then make a to-do list for the day or read a book.
Starting the day off right by doing something productive will set the tone for the entire rest of the day. Studies have shown that willpower is a finite resource that depletes throughout the day the more decisions you make. Which means that in the morning, when you haven't made any decisions at all, make the right decision—to do work—and use that tremendous amount of willpower you have to get important things done.
If you follow these four tips, you have my personal guarantee that social media and the internet will start becoming less of a problem in your life, and you'll get a lot more work done. If you like this video and want to see me make more, be sure to hit that subscribe button down below if you haven't already. Like the video if you liked it, and comment if you didn't. Or comment if you did. It doesn't really matter. Just leave something in the comments because I love looking at comments, and I respond to ALL OF THEM.
Catch you in the next video.